HELP! Computer restarts after plugging in tablet

NotGodButClose's avatar
Hi everyone! Before I start let me say- if you are offering help (thank you) please know I am very, very stupid, and very, very bad with computers. I need to be talked to like a child to understand. 

So, I have a Monoprice tablet and a Huion pen. And for quite awhile now my computer has started restarting itself more and more frequently. BUT it only restarts after I've plugged my tablet in and TRIED to use it. My pen also has been messing up more and more, giving me this weird little white shape and not responding correctly. 

I took a break from drawing and even left my art program open for a few days and my computer worked fine. I also tried installing another free art program to try and that doesn't seem to be the problem. 

Idk what to do. I doubt I've given enough information but if anyone has dealt with this and knows what they're doing please help me! ;w; I have several projects and commissions that need attention. 
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Pakaku's avatar
Reinstall the driver
NotGodButClose's avatar
My friend helped me do something similar, and I think it's better now. We'll see. Thank you!
YumeiroStudio's avatar
can you tell me the model number and brand of the tablet please ?? and your operating system
NotGodButClose's avatar
Hi! My friend actually helped me with the drivers and that *might* have been the problem. We'll have to see. I'll get back to you with this info if that wasn't the problem, thank you for trying to help! ;w; <3 <3 
YumeiroStudio's avatar
precisely i needed the info for finding the driver, if your friend can't fix it with the right driver i don't have more ideas :(
NotGodButClose's avatar
Oh okay! Well, fingers crossed ;w;