types of cartoons you hate?

Slinkgirl95's avatar
Okay so I did types of anime you hate so now just regular cartoons whether it's the animation or genre etc. 

For me I dislike Flash. Like I don't mind it when it's used for web animations, but in TV shows it just feels like a cop out like a cheaper way to make a cartoon. It's why I didn't watch MLP FSM I don't like how characters move. Also why do some cartoons in Flash have such thick outlinings. Nope.

Those adult cartoons that try to either copy South Park or Teen Aqua Hunger Force, you know the low frame rate and the intetionally bad animation. Because bad animation makes the show way funnier right? No. South Park is supposed to resemble cut out animation is which is how it first started out. ATHF I really don't know. I didn't like the show. Like you get shows like One Ounce Mouse whatever it's called again that isn't animation, that's just some other shit. There was a cartoon on Comedy Central a few years ago called Legends Of Chamberlain Heights that I call Ghetto South Park because it like moves on twos it looks awful. It wasnt funny and they don't even play it any more. 

I'm not a huge fan of cartoons in CGI. I love CGI movies but in a TV show you have a smaller budget so it doesn't look as good tbh. Yeah I liked Penguins of Madagascar because at least it was based on a CGI movie and I looked past that. Hand drawn cartoons even on a budget still look good and even though hand drawn movies look even better, hand drawn cartoons are just as good tbh even with a smaller budget.

Kind of a specific one, but around 2000s I think there was a trend of the protagonist having a jerk friend which I blame Foster's for. Why would you have a friend who's a jerk? 
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cxffncase's avatar
most adult cartoons are straight up mediocre at best lmao
GrendalUnleashed's avatar
Pretty much everything made by US studios, bland, lazy animation and uninventive stories.

I'll stick with Anime for now till they move on from the Simpsons/South Park standard derivitive.
Loen-Tenor's avatar
For me it's animes that show dull character développement (works with TV shows to, espacially Netflix ones xD) & Anime with fake 3D like Kingdom, it's so bad graphically oO!!!
ThePurpleShogun's avatar
So a few things. I agree with you, cartoons with bad animation. I even give them a chance, but I find if I don't like the way something looks I generally don't like the show itself. There are very few exceptions. Cgi falls under that category, but I do like some. Also, children's versions of Marvel. I don't know about you guys, but it's like, they turn the protagonists into arrogant jerks. Example given Spiderman. He is the worst. Heroes  aren't supposed to be arrogant jerkwads. Heroes can be cool and humble. But that is just my opinion, no offense. Also, newer cartoons in general. I find these shows have great ideas, but are executed poorly. Furthermore, reboots are not always the best. Just saying. Again, no offense to anyone. :) 
Slinkgirl95's avatar

One show with bad CGI I got past and liked was a show called Master Raindrop that aired here. I don't remember what country it was from again. Don't think it was American. The CGI was bad but it was about the five Chinese element s. Don't know if I would still like it though.

ThePurpleShogun's avatar

Sounds interesting. I dont think that has ever aired in the U.S. have to look it up.

Slinkgirl95's avatar

I think it was made in Singapore or some other Asian country iirc

- Shows that try too hard to be cool and just turn out cringy (Johnny Test)
- Harem anime
- Butch Hartman shows
- reboots of older shows that are worse than the original, then goes out of their way to insult their critics and/or fans of the original (Thundercats Roar, Reboot the Guardian Code)
Slinkgirl95's avatar

Honestly I don't like the thick outlines of the characters in Butch Hartman cartoons tbh.

It's not the hard outlines for me, it is the bland unlikable stereotype characters that are flat in both design and personality.

Theanimefan2002's avatar
Reboot which they think gross out humor and Gen alpha/Gen Z humor is funny *cough*TTG,PPG *cough*
Theanimefan2002's avatar

ewww and Fortnite Jokes

Slinkgirl95's avatar
They were doing Fortnite jokes?
RasputinsPenis's avatar
To me, non-accurate "historical" film is worst. The Master of this member never out any curse in Romanoff family, and certainly never consort with rabies carrying gay bats!
WanderingWolf09's avatar
Morbidly gross or excessively graphic stuff like Ren and Stimpy to name an obvious one.

I'm one of those people that loved the early seasons of Spongebob and despise what 'modern' Spongebob is today, at least on tv. The distinction there, aside from there being more focused on gross out humor with newer episodes compared to the older ones, is just the generally far more mean-spirited vibe to it (the squidward torture porn thing for example). The contrast perfectly articulates where my taste in cartoons lies with the initial seasons before the movie coming out being the sort of stuff I love and the earlier, more recent seasons after the movie encapsulating nearly everything I hate in cartoons.

Also braindead cartoons with cardboard characters that feel the need to lecture the audience as if they had the intellectual aptitude of a potato.

Lazy or uninteresting animation is also a negative. The simplistic 'balloon' artstyle has well worn its welcome at this point.
"The simplistic 'balloon' artstyle has well worn its welcome at this point."
It's called the "CalArts" style because that is apparently how they teach character design in the California Institute of Arts.
Slinkgirl95's avatar

Yeah, I hate when a cartoon just becomes mean spirited.

Jade-Everstone's avatar
-Kids shows that don't so much. Just because it's G-rated or aimed towards kids, doesn't mean it can't tackle more complex themes or still be entertaining to adults
-Adult shows that rely too much on NSFW jokes that they forget to write a good show. Sex, drugs, & alcohol jokes can be funny but if it's the only thing going for it the novelty is gonna wear out fast
Slinkgirl95's avatar

I like when I go look back at cartoons I grew up with and realize when they made commentaries on stuff

JJWsmith's avatar
Pretty much any cartoon that thinks things like abuse or cruelty is funny (so basically every seth MacFarlane show)
LizzyChrome's avatar
Gross-out comedies. I like toilet humor, but there's a fine line between that and gross-out. 
Slinkgirl95's avatar

Yeah, I like some toilet humour, but it does go to far in some cartoons.

HerbalDrink's avatar
"Adult" cartoons.

Yes I know Adult animation is moving forward - especially since we have a few things that aren't afraid of potentially appealing to a younger audience, but it feels like for every Castlevania, there're about three or four "Big Mouth"s or "Family Guy" wannabes.

How do you make an adult cartoon? Why, you need three ingredients:

1) A hideous artstyle.

Because who needs visually appealing characters? I mean sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and many kids cartoons have ugly characters (See: Most anything by Klasky Csupo) but we gotta be even UGLIER than Klasky Csupo!!

2) A very cynical take on life.

Because that's what adults are - CYNICAL! If we have a smart character, they gotta be an absolute jerkbag. The show also has to constantly back them up. That means it's smart.

3) An SSR Approach to comedy. (Sex, Shock, Reference)

What's a better way to show that something is not for kids? Why, we gotta make jokes about things that kids won't get... and what's more adult than making jokes about sex? Kids aren't going to understand all these double entendres. Look how many of them end up in kids' shows and even kids' movies (Seriously look at all the innuendo in Disney films.) Another thing that'll work? Shock humour - because Family Guy and South Park did it, and they became some of the longest-running cartoons out there. Now to push the boundaries. Because shock-for-the-sake-of-it is a proven approach, and shock-for-the-sake-of-making-a-point has NEVER failed to deliver the intended message.
Also, what's more adult than referencing pop culture? Parody celebrities all the time - namedrop some political figure. Reference a scandal that firmly places the show within 1-2 years of this. Reference pop culture. Just drop it all down. This ages very VERY well... NOT. (Seriously how many people in their thirties even know what the Genie was referencing in Aladdin?)

With all of these things done, you'll have your very own adult cartoon. Oh wait, this is literally just South Park and Family Guy and they take enough room.