Have you ever had dreams about ...

olq-plo's avatar
Fill in the comments about what dreams you're curious if other people had them.

I guess you can reply with +1 or -1 for whether you had them or not. Also the person asking doesn't need to reply to themselves, it means they had that dream by default if they are asking about it. 
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monstermaster13's avatar
Where you have powers or have a different form/alter-ego that you can turn into?
Theleastamountofcake's avatar
I had a dream where a giant rat controlled the dimensions with a machine that was attached to its heart. And it also had an amusement park.
HappyRipperBeast's avatar
A dreamed of this beautiful woman once, and apparently I had offended her. Sh smacked me so hard, I felt it and woke up. I live alone at the moment, so I may have had a vision of my future wife... 0-0'  
Triagonal's avatar
Describe her
HappyRipperBeast's avatar

The problem there Is that the spouse I sometimes dream about keeps changing.

Triagonal's avatar

Maybe you're destined to be a polygamist.

HappyRipperBeast's avatar

LOL, no! It's just I like to think if some one were to make me feel love, it shouldn't be too related to how they look. But then again, I have not felt love for anyone else yet. ^^'

Triagonal's avatar
Have you ever had a dream where the moon looks like it’s going to crash into the Earth?
LowYuanSheng's avatar
Somebody please help me.
greedymax's avatar
about drowning?