what types of people do you hate on dA?

Slinkgirl95's avatar
Just the kinds of people you don't like or find annoying on dA. Maybe it's on the forums, maybe it's on artwork or journals or just whatever. We're not focusing on the content they post just the kind of person they are. Hope that makes things clear.

Anyway for me it's spammers and scammers for sure. The ones who come on the forums and post those shady ass links, like yeah because I want to get a passport or hire a hooker on here. I'm also not interested in your supplements you're posting. 

Trolls, especially the ones in the forum who say such annoying things, like why do you hate them or do you think they're macho or something stupid. They're almost always new deviants, don't have an avatar or signature or what type of artist they are. I also hate them because they'll make regular forum users think a legitimate new user is one of them. They basically fall into the same category as spammers.

This is a specific one, but that one person who fav bombs me every other month, even though they have already faved my art before. Basically, sometime in 2011 I noticed a user seemed to be unfaving my stuff and then refaving it. I can't even imagine that, it being in an order. By this I have no problem if you faved a bunch of my art because who would, it's that person who would constantly refav it all.

People that keep fucking deactivating, just to reactivate sometime later, and then do it again. Even happens with new deviants. Why are you doing it? I mean I don't hate the person but it's still annoying.
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Ayywa's avatar
Soft and veeery sensitive people who take everything personally even art critiques :V
Slinkgirl95's avatar
Also ones who can't understand a joke you made.
Slinkgirl95's avatar
What we have so far:
-People that beg for points
-People that like starting drama
-People that false accuse you
-People that deactivate and reactivate
-People that will ban evade
-People blocking for dumb reasons
-People with lots of alts
-People who are just mean and rude in general
LuckyNumber113's avatar
-Art thieves
-Spammers who write nonsense comments on my profile and deviations
-Mean people
-People who keep pestering me and rushing me when I'm making a picture for them.
Slinkgirl95's avatar
I had someone who'd just say random shit to me if I commented on any Penguins of Madagascar stuff. It was on other peoples' stuff so I couldn't hide the comments and it was so annoying. Eventually I blocked their ass. Oh, yeah, gotta love the person who left some software related comment in this thread.

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Slinkgirl95's avatar
Yeah I should so go to this because you know this thread is discussing an entire different subject than this bullshit.
Low-Level-Demon's avatar
I absolutely HATE the self aware pedos on here. They know what they are doing is illegal and gross but it only pushes them further. I also hate the art gatekeepers. Just let people draw they way they want you sad, sjw NEETS. 
Slinkgirl95's avatar
You know I always wanted to know why they find kids attractive for. I mean kids piss and shit themselves and scream at the top of their lungs, and make some of the most annoying noises known to man.
Jphyper's avatar
I do my best to not hate anyone. I avoid grudges. People who consistently post rude or disruptive threads do annoy me, but that won't stop me from participating in discussion when they do post something worthwhile or acknowledging when they say something correct or that I can agree with.
Slinkgirl95's avatar
When I made this thread, I mostly meant people you tend to dislike or find annoying, could also be their actions. I don't think I bother with those random threads.
BusyBard's avatar
I find it hard to say that I hate anyone or anything on here.
Even people that get by through making smut aren't really annoying, as they're providing a product for something that's high in demand.

-I guess people that follow you for a request, and then dump you when you finish it are irritating, albeit I've only had that happen on old accounts.

-People that steal art and claim it as their own are nuts. If you go through the effort of stealing multiple pieces of art, and claiming it as your own why not try to learn how to create some? You'll get a new hobby, and contribute something positive instead of negative.

-People that view themselves above others. We all start somewhere, and as an art community we should build up artists instead of telling them that they'll never get anywhere.
Slinkgirl95's avatar
That reminds me of random people watching me and then unwatching me after some time.
LauraPentella's avatar
Well, art related? Those jerks that are nothing in art but are still popular, and I can't find the reason why! in swcond, I hate peep who are just looking for cheap commissions disregarding quality, turning back to your face and say your art is expensive... dude! they are freaking annoying. third, those who think that are experts! and give you tips that they don't even know where it comes from.

social related stuff? Well, peep who are pretending that are your friends, but they suddenly turn their back to you. Swcond, ppl who disrespectful toward you, think they are popular and cool, though it's only amoung their friends! third, those who are going to others' forums, journals, art, etc and satirize them.
Slinkgirl95's avatar
I'm kind of glad I haven't had to experience anything with commissions lol.
LauraPentella's avatar
it's a rough situation //'~'//
Rathaloshunter16's avatar
These damn Caggoons, they are popping up like mushrooms in rain.
Slinkgirl95's avatar
Or like worms in rain.
Pirasenshi's avatar
people who give long titles for their thread. 
Slinkgirl95's avatar
How long is too long?
Pirasenshi's avatar
when it distorts the forum page

like this

Good Job by Pirasenshi  
Slinkgirl95's avatar
Wonderful-Unknown's avatar
People that stretch the forums.
Pirasenshi's avatar

i just love it when I visit the forum and i see some idiot post a very long title for their stupid spam thread.