Look at this bullshit

olq-plo's avatar
Crystal by olq-plo


PS : if you wonder why I'm reading that stuff, it's because my boss believes this sort of things not the thing in this image, the thing in the title) and I'm trying to understand. 
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WeepingWyllow's avatar
Words have power.
I think the water crystal experiment is a case of heavy expectation bias. But when destructive words are spoken to a child, or any sensitive person, they alter and probably damage their thinking. Recurring thoughts leave traces in the brain that can trap you in a certain mind set, to a point where it eventually destroys your life and your health.

I sometimes feel like I'm literally possessed, because certain thoughts, words and emotional reactions keep coming up in my mind, seemingly by themselves. Some of them are things people said about me long ago, and they burned in in my brain like an actual curse.
Shesvii's avatar
Lmao now I have something funny to read. Thanks! :lol:
Eta-Carinae7500's avatar
Funny stuff.

 For a moment, I almost expected a picture of a bull, shitting.
ARTificialphanTOM's avatar
So the toilet water one will change if I talk nice to it?
olq-plo's avatar
Psuedonoms's avatar
Bullshit is right :lol: 

Visualizing something is good for focusing on a goal, but beyond our own actions I don't think we have much effect on the world. The way these people carry on they believe that everything that happens is the result of manifestation. Thoughts are good to motivate yourself, but they won't magically make things happen.
olq-plo's avatar
Not only that but they also beleive by writing writing words and sticking them on the bottle somehow the water is gonna be able to read them and be affected by them, I surely hope this article is a fucking joke :lol:
Psuedonoms's avatar
You'd think they were joking, but there are people that genuinely believe this kind of stuff. I know some. Logic is not something they tend to be good at.