Looking for Lucky Luke commission - A la recherche de la commission Lucky Luke

Christopia1984's avatar
I'm looking for someone who can do a Lucky Luke commission starring Lucky Luke and Lola Montés sharing a romantic farewell kiss before parting their ways. I'm will to pay US Cash.

Here's what Lola looks like.
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Je cherche quelqu'un qui peut faire une commission Lucky Luke avec Lucky Luke et Lola Montés partageant un bisou d'adieu romantique avant de se séparer. Je vais vouloir verser de l'argent aux États-Unis.

Voici ce que Lola ressemble. i.ytimg.com/vi/fsex-eOLXZk/hqd…

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nabhalim's avatar
Christopia1984's avatar
Okay, but can you do Lucky Luke and Lola Montés in the same style as René Goscinny? (or was it Morris?)
nabhalim's avatar
Ahh, to replicate their style? I've done so before for commissions, though I feel Goscinny's is so unique and specific with their brush I probably wouldn't do their work justice.

I do hope you find what you're looking for though!