Are the Democrats corrupt?

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phoenixleo's avatar
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paramount99's avatar
Undeniably so! 
HaleyFeels's avatar
A majority of politicians are corrupt. do you think they are looking after the voters interests or their own? How many retire as multi millionaires? How many go to work for big corporations as big wigs after they retire? Why are they playing games and wasting time and not getting the new stimulus package out and done with when people really need the money? How many make campaign promises they don't intend to keep. Did Trump make America great again or look after his own interests such as his real estate holdings and making sure his family had jobs? If anything there should be term limits which would stop all this nonsense. But do they? Noooooooooo!! 
Corrupt,?Three democrats lean more in the Humane version of America putting aside job growth and economy in favor of people's well being .I don't woiry about crption in these times of COVID .Just wonder how the shoe fits on Republicans.
ShinigamiOokamiRyuu's avatar
they been corrupted for a good long while now.  there are a few republicans that are corrupted, but the dems hold the majority, including those RINO that are republican by name.

Hit the nail on the head.

Totally-dead's avatar
2dgeek + Youtube video...

Yep, nothing to see here!
2dgeek's avatar

Totally dead don't watch everybody our masters in the msm don't want usus to see this here video.

Totally-dead's avatar

You know conspiracy baiting doesn't work with me, yes?

BlueW's avatar
i'm sure giuliani will use this as evidence in court, just like all of the other times he cried wolf

more generally, democrats are corrupt while republicans are even more corrupt. bored of people who don't understand this
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OuroborosCobra's avatar
Do you get off on always being wrong? Or do you have some sort of confirmation bias that tells you that when you were wrong, it actually means you were even MORE right the whole time?
Smithnikovat's avatar
You've been saying that since the day after election day. We're gettin mighty bored here. We expected a kraken, so far all you've given us is those fucking dried shrimp in ramen cups. 
Meliran's avatar
Yes, all politicians have a level of corruption. But focusing on it is like focusing on Maryland's 1 seat worth of Democratic gerrymandering to excuse Pennsylvania's 5 seats worth of Republican (in 2016). Or, for a non-political analogy, pointing at the kid with a sparkler to excuse your 10-alarm fireworks display which set the neighborhood on fire.
88HH's avatar
Sadly nothing will come out of this and your thread will be locked. Such is life.
Smithnikovat's avatar
Well, your God Emporer is being advised to initiate martial law across the country and force a new election. Cheer up! 
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Smithnikovat's avatar

Oh man, the reaction. It's worth getting some chicken wings to watch.

88HH's avatar

I don't know who told you that but that is not what he wants?

Smithnikovat's avatar

Google what Michael Flynn was telling him...

88HH's avatar

I'm sure he suggested him to do that but that's not what Trump wants. Also found this article where he says he was forced by Obama administration to lie

But it's from Foxnews so use your own judgement.

Smithnikovat's avatar

Then it's Fake News. Disregarded.

88HH's avatar