Satan worshipping Democrats??

Fat-Punisher's avatar
So one of the very legitimate and rational criticisms against the democratic party is that they worship Satan and perform occult rituals and stuff.

Very serious groups of rational patriotic free thinkers such as Qanon believes it is there duty to expose these devil worshippers and have them arrested!

So my question for today:

1. Is there a secret cabal of devil worshippers within the democratic party?

2. If so, should we care?

I haven't seen anybody make this argument yet so I suppose I should.
If we assume that the democrats do worship Satan then... who cares?

In the USA the bill of rights protects our religious freedoms doesn't it?
So what exactly would even be wrong with democrats worshipping Satan, isn't it there first amendment right to worship whatever they want?

I'm an Atheist so I don't worship Satan, but as long as you're not hurting anybody I don't care if you worship Satan, Jesus, Allah, or freaking Liza Minnelli
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Riveda1972's avatar
Is this a new series on Netflix?
Fat-Punisher's avatar
squirrels-are-evil's avatar
Politics is never brought up on the Satanic forums because Satanism by it's definition is an apolitical organization.  We often refer to this as the third perspective; no Democrats, no Republicans, just shades of grey.  Satanism is completely defined by the individuals who practice it, so obviously there will be opposing political ideologies.

The problem is that recent "satanic" organizations such as the Temple of Satan have been very vocal in the last few years in bringing what should be considered a fringe religion, to the public eye.  They recently made a documentary on Hulu where their leader clearly states he doesn't want another Satanic Panic to happen, but I fear being as fucking weird as you can in public is asking for another knee jerk reaction.

And obviously the Church of Satan does not condone any sacrifice in order to practice Satanism, and always remember to pay your taxes on time :)
Fat-Punisher's avatar

well we have the right to be weird i think.

This is america

Smithnikovat's avatar
At least for now. 
believeinya's avatar
I dont think Satan worships democrats, no. Doesnt make much sense to me.

Besides, if South Park is correct, then Satan is too busy with romancing Saddam Hussein anyway.
Scorbuniis's avatar
I did notice a lot of democrats identify as Satanists. Not sure if it is majority, though. I have my own judgements but I wouldn't say they should be arrested or that they're bad people. 
Smithnikovat's avatar
Where do you live that people openly identify as Satanists? 
Scorbuniis's avatar


Smithnikovat's avatar

Whole different world than mine then.

DioShiba's avatar
Holy shit I backed out of this thread after my last response to this topic and after someone else besides OP responded all I see now is a bunch of nonsense on all fronts.

What the actual fuck is this thread anymore?
Fat-Punisher's avatar

it was a mistake lol. i'm sure some over zealous baby will have it closed soon enough.

DioShiba's avatar

If only a goldmine existed on Deviant Art for threads like these.

Fat-Punisher's avatar

well threads like these can't exist because wanna be mods report them and have them closed.

DioShiba's avatar
I mean no for real I'm not sure whether or not this thread should be considered a treasure or trash but this is political shitposting at it's finest.

Plus I enjoyed Nuvoso's post on Master of Puppets. Congrats Fat-Punisher you pretty much won best poster of the political boards.
trump's avatar
Believing in a devil is just as silly as believing in a god, it's all superstitious non-sense.

Most Satanists don't actually believe in a literal devil, they just use him as a symbol.

As for religion and democratic affiliation I don't know of any correlations, there's a lot of people who are secular, a variety of Christians, Muslims, etc.
DumbledoreAskedCalm's avatar
Look! It’s the president!
7uprulez's avatar
1. Is there a secret cabal of devil worshippers within the democratic party?

Anybody who believes this should be tested for schizophrenia.

2. If so, should we care?

If you're atheist, then of course there isn't any reason for you to care. If you're Christian, it's obvious why you should care about someone worshipping Satan.
Tinselfire's avatar
If you haven't noticed it, the opposition is *always* satanic.
DumbledoreAskedCalm's avatar
There should be an actual Evil Party. No not a party that does bad or stupid things like the two main parties. A political party that embraces evil openly! With the goat sacrifices and pentagrams etc.
Tinselfire's avatar

Vladimir Harkonnen 2020!

Mike-the-dabbler's avatar
It's more suitable for them to worship Mammon.
DumbledoreAskedCalm's avatar
“Stop caressing my knee mortal!” That first article picture! XD