Making a new law to remember Floyd

KuangYu-Cheng's avatar
After several days of chaos, I think it's time to discuss the solution about how to make the U.S better in the future.

The government can't heck into one's mind and tell you to stop being racist, but they sure have the power to pass or abandon some laws.

Let's assume that you have the power to propose a law named after Floyd, and the majority of the congress members support your decision, what regulation will you put into this law? What punishment will people get when they break that law?

Remember, making a law needs to be practical, so please list your viewpoint as detail as possible.

(For example, Police Brutality is a vague word, so using "Police using force with his body part, guns or other weapons without justification on regular people" is better)
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Riveda1972's avatar
A law to deflect at least 50% of the military expenses to social services and public health.
Most of America's troubles with social violence is due to the fact you have around the 25% of your population living below the poverty line, with no rights, no chances and no future granted (so no trust in the institutions and no sense of loyalty toward the state and the society).

Maybe also a nice law to retire the abnormal number of fire weapons for personal use would change, on the long terms, something in the US culture.
We're in the XXI century, but under this point of view America still acts like if we were still in the Old Wild West or the Middle Ages era.

Unfortunately both these aims seem to be... so non-american :( (Sad) 
Grimgor09's avatar
And what about a law to remember David Dorn? You know, the retired police black man who has been murdered by looters?
I can't help myself to think this BLM movement has an aftertaste of hipocrisy and giving the name of Floyd for a law (against racism or not) won't help the situation.
KuangYu-Cheng's avatar

You can also use his name to replace Floyd as well, the reason why the title use Floyd is not because he is a saint, just because he is related to why the law is established.

The main purpose of this thread is to discuss a possible solution to end the current situation by making new laws, so we welcome all kinds of opinions as long as it is not against the constitution.

he4rt-br34k's avatar
what happened to george floyd was totally unfair. the officers responsible for his untimely demise should be met with justice. I've seen the video. they deserve jail time. 
that being said, it's still important for people to know that george floyd wasn't exactly a saint (far from it). so we should stop treating him as one. 

the issue here shouldn't just be about a particular ethnicity being maltreated by "racists police". the issue should be about POLICE BRUTALITY in general. because Americans of every color are affected by it. here's an example of how a white man was abused by a cop…

i hear some states enacted a law forbidding policemen to use choke holds. i think it's good.
far better than asking for something idiotic like de-funding the police.
Ragerancher's avatar
1) Any police officer who is deemed to have acted in an unlawful manner shall not receive the protection afforded to them in carrying out their duties. The protections against prosecution should apply ONLY to the lawful application of their job.

2) Initial assessment should be carried out by the police force if they deem their officer has done something wrong. This should be open to appeal by an independent judiciary.

3) If a police force rules that an individual did nothing wrong but it is later identified that they did then the force itself should be on a warning. Too many warnings and the people involved of the police oversight can then be held accountable themselves.

4) If a police officer is deemed to have acted in a way that was not lawful then they should be personally held accountable. Distinction should be made for the nature of the job and that the police officer may find themselves in very tense situations. If malice is shown then they should have no protection and be tried the same as an ordinary citizen.

5) Cases of wrong doing should be graded with stacking of "points" for poor actions (like a drivers license) with graded punishments. Upon reaching a certain threshold, a police officer should be removed from the service and barred from working for any police forces in the state for a set time period and with an assessment being done. If they return after this time, they will have a reduced threshold. If they pass the threshold again they are barred for life. For more serious cases there should be instant dismissal and barred for life. False statements should carry an additional grading on top of the incident in question, a truthful statement should lessen the grading.

6) To prevent potential abuse by the public, ALL police officers and vehicles must be equipped with working and unobstructed cameras. All footage of incidents must be saved and made publicly available in the event of potentially unlawful action. The absence of this, particularly during important cases shall be treated as at least gross negligence unless there is a clear and justified reason (ie damaged during fighting). 

7) What is lawful and unlawful use of force should be clearly defined along with correct restraint procedures and escalation techniques. Too many cops seem to resort to a taser / spray / gun as a first resort.

8) Wrongful accusation of a police officer should carry a suitably severe punishment to deter lying.

This should in theory mean that the police can be held accountable, that all necessary evidence is available and still allow them to do their job. 
Kalshion's avatar
1. Agreed
2. Agreed
3. Agreed
4. Agreed
5. Agreed
6. This is actually true in the majority of cities and states, in fact, the whole reason *why* body camera's and dash cams were even added was not because the officers requested it but because the NAACP demanded it and it was written into department policies. Ironically, the camera's have done the exact opposite of what the NAACP had hoped for (IE: rather than proving that cops kill blacks just because, it has shown that in the majority of cases, the officers acted according to department policy and within the law. Meaning, when that black man fired a gun at the cop, the cop acted exactly how they should've. When that black man tried to run the cop over with their car, the officers acted properly. When that black man tried to stab the officer, the officer acted the way they should've) This is why in some states (like mine, for example) the NAACP is pushing to have body camera's and dash cams REMOVED from police vehicles. Won't happen though, officers have seen how useful those camera's are (note, useful in departments that are not as corrupt as certain others, like detroit, chicago, la, and ny)
7. The only reason why it seems that 'too many cops resort-' is due to the media, you never hear of the hundreds and thousands of cops that solve the situation without ever using those tools. Though I do agree with you, but don't generalize all officers due to the actions of a few
8. I agree, but I want to add something else: the media, I'd like to see the media held accountable for making situations WORSE. This whole thing with George Floyd was already bad, the media however made it WORSE by escalating the rage and hatred. The media's job is to report the facts, but instead, many of those groups report theories or even accusations. In fact, twenty minutes after it was initially reported in the news, CNN came right out and claimed that "race" was involved in the shooting, yet now we find out weeks after that the two men knew each other and had crossed paths several times and that apparently they had a rather... tense past. Meaning race really had nothing to do with this, but due to the media not waiting for the investigation's, they made matters much worse.

I'll give another example:

Four years ago here in Vegas we had an officer who shot and killed a nine year old boy, or at least, that's what it appeared anyway (body cam footage showed that he had fired his service weapon) and the media, not even a few hours after it was reported; claimed that the officer (who was white) shot the kid (who was brown) out of racism and because the kid was an illegal. Well, after an investigation that lasted a couple months and looking through security camera footage they discovered that the officer actually *missed* when he fired. The bullet that killed this kid wasn't even fired by the officer but by the kids OWN FATHER, the reason the officer fired however (the officer was a rookie, by the way and his sergeant had tried to stop him to) was because he heard a gun shot. In the body cam footage, you see the kid falling to the ground before the officer even fired his weapon.

However, the media didn't view it that way, they roosted this officer day and night, referring to him as a 'racist' a 'white supremacist' a 'nazi' . When all along the only mistake the officer made was not following department policy (the safety on his firearm was OFF, which is why when he pulled it it fired as he also put his finger on the trigger, another violation of department policy)

Thanks to the media, this officers life was ruined and thanks to the media (who also gave out his address, because they stalked him for an interview) not only was he murdered six months after he left the force, but so was his wife and two kids.

The media plays a large role in why these situations get so out of hand, so I feel we need to put in laws or some kind of consequence to get the media back under control. Because as it stands, they make a bad situation *worse* 

KuangYu-Cheng's avatar

Very detailed, nice!

GrafvonEichenlaub1's avatar
Georg Floyd is Overrated 
KuangYu-Cheng's avatar
The purpose of making this thread is not because Floyd is a good guy himself, but to discuss a solution to end a similar situation happens in the future, and using his name is just because he is related to why this law is established.

You can suggest anything that you think should be fixed by law if possible, it can relate to riot control, limit or expand police power, gun policy...etc, as long as it is not against the constitution.

(I hope I don't have to copy and paste this in the future)
GrafvonEichenlaub1's avatar

Blm have so much cause death and destruction .

Look to Chicago .

If the state surrender to BLM they will want more and more .

Police violence is a relativ small problem to black people .

Much more Black people die on Black on Black crime .

KuangYu-Cheng's avatar

I support law and order as much as you do, and that is why this thread is here.

To have a rational discussion about how to solve this mess by making new laws.

Lord-Commandr's avatar
I think you're hoping against hope with such a discussion and that particular individual.
GrafvonEichenlaub1's avatar

Every i heard about the topic i was dumb except maybe a police Reform .

I think the Race Relation in the us are so wrong .

There is maybe just one rational Solution that are Forbidden to say .

Or Trump can unify America with Patriotism .

paramount99's avatar
WHY?!? Why is it that I have never or indeed know no-one who has suffered police brutality? Maybe I am not in the wrong places at the wrong time and not doing wrong things in those places!!! Simples! Ahhh, I know what it is?!? Whitey privilege! Bored    
GregTheBlackFox's avatar
I suggest to torture them merciless, then death penalty, taking all of their money and sending their family to slavery ( adult males ), to serve as prostitutes ( adult females ) and to send them to pedophiles ( all kids ) - about the last one, that may be easy, it is America and there is a lot of satanic pedophiles I heard.

But okay, lets to be serious.

And I seriously as You a question. What would You say if that dude would been a white man, not afro-american one? I have nothing against the afro-american people. But it is all pathetic to me!

People are forgetting there is more people than those with african roots. In USA a lot of people are dying each day. And nobody is yelling when it is a white dude. But We have a death of afro-american man and there is a big noice - I can't get it! Why this guy is more important than white people?

To be honest. I saw once a pic. Double pic. On the left side skinheads were kicking the afro-american man with slogan "racism", on the right side gangstas did the same to white man with slogan "fighting agaisnt racism".

I'm sorry people, I know it is not what You want to read and I'm really sorry to have my own point You won't agree with it. But this protest is a RACISM to me! White matters to people!
SpikeStraggler's avatar
This is not just a race problem.
It's a systematic problem.
Jackson-police-brutality-76-1 by SpikeStraggler  
ReptillianSP2011's avatar
You're not entirely wrong. It's partly a race problem, but not entirely.
SpikeStraggler's avatar



The system upholds white-supremacy in the state, but not all enforcers of it are white themselves.


Would you say that's a fair statement?

GameTrek's avatar
Using your weight on somebodies neck should not be a way to apprehend people.

Make sure there is counterfeit currency when somebody reports it so? If it is false report then arrest the owner for wasting peoples time????

White officers must be paired up with a black partner 24/7. when on duty, even as detectives. Like the Japanese law where they must have two secretaries at one desk.
SpikeStraggler's avatar
You just paired a class-traitor with a class-traitor.
You think black cops don't abuse black civilians?
It's the badge that's the problem, not the color of the cop's skin.
It is a systematic problem that needs to be addressed.
There is no form of police reform that will fix this.
SpikeStraggler's avatar
How about not giving cops immunity for being pieces of shit?
That'd be a good start.
Policemapping by SpikeStraggler  
Unwritten-Lyrics's avatar
Kinda hate how people are treating this Floyd dude as a black Jesus. He's a criminal, not a hero! Also.....…
SpikeStraggler's avatar
Okay seriously, you need to shut the fuck up.
No one deserves to have their neck pressed down on for nine minutes straight until they're fucking dead.
I don't care if he was on drugs at time. Do you have any idea how many people you know around you are doing drugs as well?
I think you'd be surprised of you knew.
Second. George Floyd grew up on the streets and that shit's hard. I doubt someone like you would know anything about.
Third they mentioned that he was turning his life around when he moved to a new city.
He even made an advice video for kids and teens to stop the gun violence, but you didn't say a word about that did you?
Lay off.
This is a matter of police brutality.
Unwritten-Lyrics's avatar

Hmm...didn't say that. Being suffocated to death is a horrible way to die, but Geogie ain't no Jesus.

Druggie, and he threatened to shoot a pregnant woman...

This is who people are sticking up for. A fucking criminal.

Yeah, you seem really hell bent of defending this guy. So what if he grew up on the streets, a criminal is still a criminal!
