how would you respond to someone wearing a bright red MAGA hat in public?

Larry952's avatar
how do your feel about the bright red MAGA hats?

1) it's a matter of free speech?

2) these hats are intended to be provocative, and a form of trolling?

3) those hats and the people that wear them are laughable?

4) all of the above?

5) give 'em a high five? (added as an edit)

i'm going with answer #4.
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GameTrek's avatar
First of all.…

"We do need to make America a great place again"


"I want my country back"

More importantly


Those words could mean many things like

1. I want internet privacy and usage to be like it was back in 1995 or at least 2003.

2. I want United States away from Afganistan, Iraq, Yemen, Israel, or any other BS that it was suckered into since 2001.


To me it is a red hat with something that is true.

"Make America Great Again".

I love the hat and the words are okay
Larry952's avatar
red is my favorite color, too
QueenCold's avatar
I have seen several guys wear these hats around town and it's always a surreal experience, but that might just be because living here often feels like existing in a cartoon.
They're always guys and they've come in three shapes so far. Besides the one skinny teen accompanied by a boy with a high-and-tight haircut wearing an ill-fitted, cheap suit, they were either stereotypical neckbeards or they looked like they'd be named Dave and pass out drunk in a recliner after making their nephews and nieces uncomfortable with their racist jokes on Thanksgiving.
I never react to them and with those profiles, do I really need to?

P.S.: I know what color an MAGA hat becomes when you never wash it and wear it often while never bathing yourself. Courtesy of one of the neckbeards.
fallenvalkyriie's avatar
I'll go with #4. A family member actually has a friend who's a partial Trump supporter and wears a MAGA hat, and he's actually a really nice guy. On the other hand, some people who wear the hat are complete idiots or simply trolls. It really depends.

I mean, people have the right to free speech, so as long as they're not advocating violence or similar, I'm fine with people wearing them, even if I personally dislike Trump.
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
1) I despise them, but they still have a right to wear them, while hoping the trend gets stale and they loose interest wearing them. Or another Trend happens and MAGA hat wearing becomes old.

2) Most do wear them to excite anti social behaviour, by stirring up drama with those who do not subscribe to white supremacy, which the hat is known to be associated with.

3)Yep they are usually trolls and  Neo-nazis that like to wear them. The trolls are actually tamer than the Neo-nazis, as the trolls just get a kick out of creating drama, to try add excitement to their lives in a mundane society.


5)Nope , they usually get the middle finger from me , or an unimpressed gaze 
OnlyTheGhosts's avatar
"Most do wear them to excite anti social behaviour"

- Bullshit! You're full of crap.

"Yep they are usually trolls and Neo-nazis that like to wear them."

- Bullshit! You're full of crap yet again.

" by stirring up drama with those who do not subscribe to white supremacy, which the hat is known to be associated with."

- Bullshit! Yet again you are full of crap.……
OnlyTheGhosts's avatar
Yeah, right - citing facts with evidence and expecting the same from fucktards like atomkat, extraterrestrialarts, BronzeHeart92, is clearly unreasonable, since they NEVER back their lying crap.
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
Its you again...with your batshit
atomkat's avatar
he is so beyond reason... don't engage. 
BronzeHeart92's avatar
Agreed. OnlyTheGhosts clearly has fallen off his chair a long time ago.
OnlyTheGhosts's avatar
Wrong, it's me with the facts and citing evidence.

You never cite evidence, and you never seem to know WTF is going on either, probably because you're too lazy to research. That lack of research is why you keep repeating bullshit which isn't true.
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
GTFO FFS you repeat yourself and its annoying, and I am not your fetch and dismiss Ask Jeeves Google-up butler 
OnlyTheGhosts's avatar
You're as lame as BronzeHeart92, atomkat, and the other moronic low IQ twits who can't cite any evidence to back their bullshit.

Like you, they make claims that they can't support.

Like you, what they claim is easily debunked by actual citations of evidence.

Like you, they then ignore that evidence because they don't read links and want to continue their ego trip of how wonderful they are.

Like you, they think real facts and real evidence that contradicts their bullshit is annoying.

They live in a delusional world, patting each on the back, telling themselves repetitions of their bullshit fantasies, and hiding from the harsh reality that they are gullible losers who mistakenly believe garbage from fake news sites such as CNN and BBC and the Guardian.

Like you, they NEVER verify any of what they are told by the fake news media.
BronzeHeart92's avatar
You still want to interact with this guy?
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
He has annoyed me to point of making me block him... I actually have a feeling of relief, like taking a pain killer when having a bad headache.
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atomkat's avatar
it may actually distract him from doing actual harm in the real world.
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OnlyTheGhosts's avatar
No, what you are is a fucktard lying shit who doesn't research and can't back any of your lies with any evidence. You just make stupidly lame excuses like you did just then.

You are full of shit. Period.

You know fuck-all about anything, so you get everything wrong.
im going with 4. i doubt that everyone with a MAGA hat is racist.
Unpocodegracia's avatar
Some are. But then again some muslims are terrorists. don't see them with a same lens. But all blacks are ..
Unpocodegracia's avatar
how about you sir rasicst.