For an arts website, deviantArt is much more conservative than I thought

TheNotoriousBRC's avatar
Don't get me wrong, I'm a conservative myself, I'm just surprised.
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gdpr-16712963's avatar
Actually, I have found Deviantart to be overwhelmingly liberal in the most extreme sense of the word.
MasterPlanner's avatar
I'm not sure about that. Most artists are left-wing, and dA reflects this, but there is a surprising amount of right-wingers because of the lack of oversight and moderation, people getting increasingly sick of regressive social justice warrior nonsense, and the fact that "Generation Z" is more conservative than the generations immediately before them.
It's not that DA is conservative. The issue is much bigger.

Conservatism just happens to be on the rise, now that Liberals have lost their damn minds.
YamaTheSpaceFish's avatar
Are you related to Sea Dragon?
Don't know who that is.
Peacebasher's avatar
Really? DA is more liberal to me. (I'm not a liberal myself though.) 
KunYKA's avatar
The worst is a pro-terrorist art. 
kitsumekat's avatar
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
It never used to be like that.(The whole planet has been indoctrinated by conservative agenda), because it makes the industrial military complex rich and the fossil fuel industry rich. But talking about the name "conservative" it is very much an oxymoron, and the name contradicts with the actions of the political ideaology.. eg: conservative- conservation... its totally the opposite. Because conservatives are all for war, fossil fuels and fucking up the planet, and make as many animals and plants extinct while they in government. 
Valsayre's avatar
You confuse conservatism with neo-conservatism. 
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
They are the same thing, just the one is more militant than the other.
Neoconservatives applauded Trump's missile response to the Sarin gas attack that took place a few weeks ago. Even Hillary Clinton and (to an extent) Bernie Sanders approved of his response as well.

Members of the alt-right (who are also conservative) denounced Trump for it, not wanting to get into another pointless war in the Middle East, and denouncing the gas attack as a false flag.

The divide between "peaceful and violent" is by no means drawn between "liberal and conservative", nor do brands of conservatism believe the same thing.
Valsayre's avatar
No, they are not at all the same thing. 
TheNotoriousBRC's avatar
I always thought conservatism was the belief that people make better choices in their own lives than the government could, and that it's morally imperative that they are provided these liberties. That's an interesting interpretation tho :D 
extraterrestrialarts's avatar
There is that possibility I am from a parallel reality, just google Mandela effect etc... which would explain why the majority of people's thoughts don't make any sense to me.
Theocrat7's avatar
I noticed that but I think its more because artists tend to be more libertarian which share principles of freedom and the right not to be stolen from constantly by a parasitic government. So I think this is what you are witnessing.

I used to think of myself as conservative but now more hard-core libertarian like our forefathers that threw the tyrannical European scum and the bankers behind them out of our country. So I say get rid of both the liberal and conservative arm of the Marxists that have taken over our country and win our freedom back once again. Liberals tend to be more communist or socialist and conservatives more fascist but BOTH are radical forms of tyranny and they have been playing us as fools with their false left/right paradigm. I keep calling the root evil political philosophy Marxism because whether or not its socialism, communism or fascism they are all opposed to individual liberty and are just different forms of collectivist tyranny. But really they are all just repackaged feudalism where only an elite few own everything and everyone else are just slaves/tenants in their evil system of control.
Redfoxbennington's avatar
Only the politics forum. The complaints forum is purple and gay and queer and full of emo teens that are easily triggered.

Personally, I hate conservatives. They think America is a theocracy. 
TheNotoriousBRC's avatar
Yeah, I can see how the right turns off a lot of atheists and agnostics because of how religious they are
Xehiros's avatar
I think many are just sick of the sjw mentality, and not all that disagree with most of the sjw garbage are all conservatives.
Even if they are, conservatism isn't a bad word, depends on the indiviuals on both sides really.
TheNotoriousBRC's avatar
I really like this 
onlyelisha's avatar
Back in like 2010/2011ish I remember the forums being a lot more liberal. I stopped posting because it was too much of an echo chamber. Came back to see the politics area here getting a healthy does of 9gag posters.
TheNotoriousBRC's avatar
Meme it and they will come
ceresite's avatar
the forums are conservative (ish). the rest not so much. conservatives are the loud minority, and a lot tend to be older, (and older users tend to gravitate towards forums)

i think at least
thetiredbean's avatar
a lot of the time when you see conservative people posting they either have no art uploaded or else its just memes or sometimes dark/disturbing low quality art .. which i know sounds mean as art is subjective but still.