The vessel of the nation can arrive in port only on a sea reddened with torrents of blood.

Valsayre's avatar
Many seem to believe that banning Islamic immigration from the west will prevent terrorism. This is not the case. 

Islamists are already living in our backyards and as our neighbours.
Most of these men (and women) are not coming directly from third-world countries with plans, no, it is mostly from here that these villains are plotting their acts of terror against the sovereign people.  

Imprisonment is not enough. These men (and women) do not change their mentality in the prison ; too often the time in prison only strengthens their barbarism. 

The events of the last several years have shown us that we can no longer tolerate the presence of these wolves on our soil. 

Fire, blood, and death are needed to preserve western civilization itself.

As the President of the United States stated in his Inaugural address, the policy when dealing with Islamic extremists must be one of extermination, and that there must be absolutely no limit to our ferocity.

Their instruments of fanaticism and superstition must be smashed. 
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brodskales's avatar
MarchosiasVX's avatar
Let's just nuke everything and everyone. Considering no-one would be left other than twinkies and cockroaches, problem solved. :^)

Honestly though, you sound just as extreme. :lmao:
Valsayre's avatar
No one is saying that we should nuke anything. 

Give me one reason why we shouldn't kill every Islamist that rears their head. 
RebirthLikeAPhoenix's avatar
Ah this should be good...
Valsayre's avatar
Give me one reason. 
GrendalUnleashed's avatar
Yes Islamists live in 'the west', however that does not lead to the conceit that they are all extremists.

Okay I do not adhere to the conceit of idiology being the basis of society. There have and are extremsts through any cult you wish to choose across human history.

The use of the term 'extermination' has been the justification for too long in the homocene epoch to clarify political desire and should be seen as a faulty conceit...look at how it was once used in York (England) for example.
Valsayre's avatar
All Islamists are extremists. 
GrendalUnleashed's avatar
Valsayre's avatar
Do you know what an "Islamist" is? 
GrendalUnleashed's avatar
Islamist: an advocate or supporter of the arcane text contained within the tome known as The Koran.

The Koran: An arabic derivion of the Semitic/post Martu text known as the Tora adopting aspects of the Coptic prose originating from extant north African (Egypt/Sumer/Sudan) oral histories with the pre Saladin concepts.

No I have no idea what an 'Islamist' is..."is" an assertion without definition.
Valsayre's avatar
"Islamist" has a definition. I suggest you do your research. Pat pat 
GrendalUnleashed's avatar
I put forth a summation of my examination of the concept relating to 1500 years of Islam, where do you suggest I expand this research?
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Genjurooo's avatar
Valsayre's avatar
For Muslim migrants, maybe, but there is not such a peaceful solution to dealing with the Islamists who are or have been living here. 
formatela's avatar
Not an argument
Valsayre's avatar
Not an argument. 
Valsayre's avatar
formatela's avatar
Keep quacking your sedition, duck.
Valsayre's avatar
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RebirthLikeAPhoenix's avatar
The poetic title is a clear warning-sign: fanatic 
Valsayre's avatar
Not an argument.