Being Lawful Good and the phrase "Life isn't meant to be fair" (aka "Life IS fair, change my mind")

DragonQuestWes's avatar
I consider myself lawful good based on the fact I feel life can be fair because we, the human race have a history of technological and social progress and we can vouch for each other while standing against evil. In which yes, I consider myself an IRL JRPG hero.

Would you agree or disagree that the phrase "Life isn't meant to be fair, get used to it" would make the believer of such a phrase under lawful neutral or can he or she be still lawful good? Why or why not?

I would consider anyone who teaches anyone that "Life isn't meant to be fair, get used to it" as lawful neutral and not really any kind of good. Now you may say "but Wes, people just need to accept things the way they are because being an adult means accepting that not everything has to go your way." That's fine and dandy, but that's not how human progress is achieved. The world didn't stop Adolf Hitler because they just "accepted life for what it is." The Rwandan Genocide wasn't stopped because the Rwandans "accepted life for what it is." Would you?
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DGCinfoKitty's avatar
Is getting locked in a group home for something which if you had been tried you would be out of prison by now fair?
godofwarlover's avatar
I thought about voting for Yang, but then I realize that he would be another puppet for the corporations and other backstabbing politicians
GrendalUnleashed's avatar
If life were 'fair' then that would mean that all the crap things you have experienced were a direct response to your life choices.

So tell me how does this equate to the child born with autism, down syndrome, congentital deafness, blindness and so on.

They weren't even born when the concept of 'fair' could be applied.

Life is for the living, that's a truism, but 'fair' along with "technological and social progress" are products of hominid mental constructs.

Life is and that includes Adolf as without his warped vision the "technological and social progress" of the 21st century wouldn't exist: Computers (IBM provided, for a big payoff, the system used to process victims of the death camps), Space exploration (the US and USSR both used V1/2 rocketeers to get Gagarin and Armstrong into space), medicine (Mengeller's twisted documents were handed over to the new Jewish state and formed the basis of 'modern pharmacuticals) and it's worth pointing out that Aspergers syndrome was first identified by a Nazi doctor but it wouldn't be accepted for another 40 years where those with the syndrome would be at best considered "retarded" and at worst commited to psyche wards where they were subjected to 'routine' electro-shock therapy -  240v through your frontal lobe till you passively drooled.

Yeah "life is fair" if you are born in the socio-political concept that puts you in the private law realm.
skulkey's avatar
in the absence of any intervention, life might be more or less fair. but the game is clearly rigged to favor the greedy and selfish, and those that seek power for power's sake. don't mistake technological progress for a genuine "good". if anything, our technology has enabled lies and misinformation to spread in outsized proportion to facts.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
I am aware that technological progress and social progress are two separate things. Of course we're inching close to an era where we have a presidential candidate in the US who is offering $1000 a month for every American 18 or older, like him or not. And this is in response to automation trying to take over. A candidate liked by both Republicans and Democrats somehow. How much good would that bring? Who knows? It would be interesting to say the least.
skulkey's avatar
call me a pessimist, but plutocracy is so deeply entrenched at this point that the capitalists will rapidly find ways to make that 1000 bucks effectively worthless. and unless we get a decent healthcare solution passed, you're still one accident or illness away from being several orders of magnitude more than that amount in debt.

don't get me wrong: i think it's high time that politicians started taking these ideas seriously, but the ones that are are still in the minority. there's a lot of inertia in the system, and the one to come in and actually shake things up is a fucking fascist, so...
DragonQuestWes's avatar
Oh it is entrenched. Sure those Yang bucks are guaranteed to help people have food to eat and a home to live, but it's certainly not going to make exploitation go away. Workers will still be treated like dirt and employers will be all "you're getting a grand a month so don't complain."

I'm not super worried about price increases although it's not impossible since a chunk of places will increase in pricing, others not since it really boils down to the business itself. I'm more concerned about the fact that workers will still be exploited and those exploiting said workers will get away with it more easily.
Rhapsodna's avatar
YOU?!? LAwful good?!?!?!

More like Chaotic Dumbass
DragonQuestWes's avatar
This is not the complaints forum. Contribute to the discussion.
Rhapsodna's avatar
Do we choose our alignment s or do others choose for it

Can one day I'm trylu lawful neutral when another interpets as chaotic neutral
DragonQuestWes's avatar
You can describe yourself as one thing while others describe you based on what they see.
Rhapsodna's avatar
Yes but which one would be correct
DragonQuestWes's avatar
Do you put your description to practice?
Rhapsodna's avatar
AsterHyakinthou's avatar
I'd consider that lawful neutral at best. It's natural for life to be unfair, but part of what makes human civilization, well, civilized, is that we can look at the misery this reality causes and say "it doesn't have to be like this." And we did; all of civilization is built on the premise that we can do better than the lot nature gave us. We invented laws first and foremost to standardize the social contract and try to make enforcing it more evenhanded, based on actual deeds rather than the caprices of the involved parties.

Most of the people who say "life isn't fair" do so to justify their successes by dishonest means. The rest are usually cynics who were screwed over, couldn't get justice, and are trying to either explain themselves or warn others against picking the fight that they already lost.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
I would never ask anyone to fight a losing battle. We have to ask ourselves about the phrase itself and what it is being said and who the target audience is.

When you try to say "Life is unfair, deal with it," who are you saying it to? Are you saying that to the scumbag who raped your kids and ends up getting his ass handed to him by the law? Are you saying that to someone who advocates Capitalism be replaced by Socialism? To the gay man who is trying to avoid being stoned to death by religious nutjobs? James Bond?
ProjectLullaby's avatar
Life is fair in how it's unfair to everyone. 
EnryoAlpha's avatar
Meaning misery applied equally cannot be described as unfair.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
That's kind of the point.
There is a line from Watchmen that goes "it rains on the just and unjust alike". Meaning that it doesn't matter how good or bad of a person you are, shit happens.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
"Shit happens" is a rather vague point.
It means that there is no cosmic justice system giving out good luck or bad luck based on a person's moral compass. Everyone gets shit on once in a while. That is how life is fair in  how unfair it is.
DragonQuestWes's avatar
I believe you are misunderstanding the question.