Why Are people so dead set against Herbal cures and remedies?

Precipitous120's avatar
Western medicine has only been around for about 300 years where as herbal remedies have been around for over 4 thousand years

Yet when you suggest that perhaps as a last resort, a certain sick person, should try a herbal remedy

Their response is almost always, 'I only trust my doctor'

Well let me ask you something, in all your time with your doctor have they ever once cured you of any chronic ailment?


Doctors only treat illnesses, with no intention to cure. The longer you remain sick the more money they make, so naturally they want to keep you that way.

Honestly if a doctor has been treating you for the same ailment for the last ten years, then maybe it is time to try something else.

People say that they don't believe in herbal remedies but let me ask you, do you drink coffee or tea? Well that is a herb isn't it now. if you can accept that why can't you accept another perfectly sound herb that has been tried and tested over the centuries.

As a herbalist myself it is frustrating how stubborn some people can be, even my own family. My Mother who is suffering form menopause, refuses to drink sage tea because it tastes funny. Yet she can attest to the fact that it helps reduce/eliminate her hot flushes. My Father suffering from psoriasis finally found the cure in the form of a herb and high doses of vitamin E to thicken his skin, but he too refuses to medicate himself because of the taste. 

Yet if you were to go down to the medicine store and buy horrible tasting medication, you would suck it up and take it every day for 30 years without complaint!

Well, that is enough venting for me, what do you guys think?
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explodingapple's avatar
  1. a system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage.
I would just like to say, as a person who has been ridiculed to the point of wanting to commiting suicide every day for almost two years for her experimentation--I just want to say--I believe you.  I know it's hard.  I know the pain of being an outsider and going against the grain, going against doctors and what they tell you.  Going against the main crowd is so hard, for me, it hurts almost every day knowing I can't express my beliefs and what I've been through.

I tried a lot of remedies.  I have some knowledge on some very powerful products that can help assist the healing factor in someone as it did me at one point.  

Here are things I would recommend for you to TRY, because I do not know everything--however I don't have to know everything to know that these things which I know in my heart will help will help you tremendously if you are ever in a bind.  They may even save your life one day if you fall incredibly ill.  I have personally tried all three of these products. If you get past the shock of how expensive they are, and maybe actually come around to ordering a sample of at least one and open your mind--I promise you--the rewards--are beyond measure.  More than you could ever hope for and more.  Naturopathy, she is my mentor.


A Friend 

Brand: Sunfood
Product: Marine Phtoplankton 2.0 

Brand: TerrAmazon
Product: Camu Camu 
Brand: Immune Tree
Product: Bovine Colostrum
(This last one is most important if you have a low white blood cell count, and if you want to permanently strengthen your stem cells in your bone marrow.  Because your master cells (or stem cells) make your blood and all of your immunity cells))

If you're interested in more info contact me via note.  
People are not against anything unless they lack information. There isn't a lot of information about herbal medicine because it has been superseded by chemical medicine over 100 years ago and pharmaceutical brands market their offerings. They spend billions doing that marketing. You can say that herbal remedies have been around a long time, but also consider that massive numbers of humanity also died as a result of easily cured (by modern medicine) illnesses such as the flu until very recently- when modern medicine eradicated those kind of disasters. The flu epidemic after World War I wiped out over 20 million people- based on sources that number varies some say twice that. Polio was one of the most feared illnesses even in developed society like America- it afflicted our own president Roosevelt- and modern research is what cured Polio. There are not nearly as many people dying of Aids in America thanks to modern medicine. You can take herbal medications for minor things like a cold- I did that once. I can attest that the herbal pill did provide relief to my nostrils, by drying them up completely so much that it scared me- for all of 15 minutes. I don't believe anyone should try to convince their family and friends to take herbal cures unless they are a licensed physician. There are doctors who work in natural healing methods. Otherwise you are giving bad medical advice- herbs can be effective against some things but can also be dangerous or inappropriate as treatment for more serious afflictions- and medical advice by anyone other than a doctor is asking the patient to put themselves at severe risk. People won't do it, they go to doctors, who proscribe chemical meds for everything.
Precipitous120's avatar
Correction, there was a cure for the common cold it was just that back then many people could not afford it. The reason why that is such a well known historical fact is because of the number of deaths due to the common cold, not because there was an absence of a cure but because the average peasant back then could not afford it. This cure was 30 segments of garlic and an onion, something we could easily afford now days but back then a very scarce cure. Certainly cheaper than buying pills and cough mixture.

Remember that medical marvels are not the only advancement in human history to come around for the last hundred years or so. Sewage systems were only invented 500 years ago and only really implemented 300 years ago, and in some places 80 years ago. Roads, clean drinking water, common practices like washing your hands before food and surgery, these were all only implemented in the time period of less than 500 years ago.

As the human race grew more crowded and lived closer together in cities, so did the death rate increase because of unhealthy living. The black plague killed many people not because it was particularly hard to cure but because it was so easily spread by rats and fleas. In reality the plague could be cured by simply puncturing all the pus filled pockets of flesh and running them dry, but with reinfection and the host of other bacteria in an already filthy city... well it was impossible to cure in such conditions.

Once more medical science though it has been around for about 100-300 years, has had seriously backwards thinking behind how to cure certain ailments. Tooth ache used to be cured by sticking a hot iron in the persons ear, totally no evidence that this worked but if you went to your doctor this is what they would do. Head aches were cured by blood letting or scratching the persons skull with a mechanical drill. Western Medicine has always centred around treating not curing illnesses and birth defects. Asthma being one of the conditions that really shocked me. Doctors treat it by prescribing steroids in the form of an air based medicine, treatment sometimes taking between 10-20 years or life, but herbal medicine had/has a cure for it that took only 2 weeks before patients were totally free of asthma for life!

I'm not asking people to take my word for it, I'm asking people to do their own research as a result of my advice. I'm not earning money by giving out advice, I'm doing it because I personally want to help and it sickens me to think that someone is going to keep treating a perfectly curable disease!

Once more I can prove that herbal medicine is actually better than western medicine in some regards. I've posted in this forum several times about the viking cure for eye infections, which when used on a modern antibiotic resistant strain of ... a disease today, this viking cure works better.

Still regardless, I say that people shouldn't take any ones word for it. Not your doctors, not mine, not any ones. When it is concerning your own health you should do your own research and not rely on one source of information or one source of treatment. There is a world of cures out there, don't buy into something you have to pay for but doesn't truly work.
Kaydreamer's avatar
I've no issue with homeopathy itself. Certain herbal remedies are effective in treating some minor ailments and as such in can be beneficial to some. I eat unpasteurised honey when I have a cold or tonsillitis; it soothes my throat and has antibacterial properties which help beat back the illness. That's homeopathic. The benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle combined with proven herbal and vitamin-based remedies for minor issues which do appear is proven and accepted.

The issue many have with homeopathy, however, is when some people take the concept too far. Homeopathy is not an adequate treatment for cancer, for instance, nor many other life-threatening conditions. Many lives have been lost by people trying to treat life-threatening illnesses with natural remedies when conventional medicine had a much better chance to save them.

The issue here is anti-scientism. We have treatments which have been rigorously tested and proven to work against life-threatening conditions. Yet despite the abundance of literature and success stories backing up these treatments, a small minority of people have an irrational fear of modern medicine and science. These people, should they fall gravely ill, put their own health at risk by eschewing proven and reliable modern treatments in favour of homeopathy ones.

The key to homeopathy regaining some credibility and respect is for it to be practised ethically and responsibly. Homeopaths need to be honest about what herbal medicine can and cannot cure. They need to present their craft as something which should be used alongside conventional medicine, rather than as a standalone alternative.

Homeopathy can be a very good supplementary medicine. It tends to make those who engage in it feel better, and the mind is a very important aspect of healing which is often neglected in conventional medicine. The placebo effect alone is enough for it to have a place, and those remedies which do actually work are a bonus on top of that.
Precipitous120's avatar
But cancer can be cured with herbs.....

Plantain(the weed not the fruit) is one of the best anti cancer treatments and once more if you avoid eating meat totally and go on a diet of plantain, you can out right cure cancer

Well I was looking for an article online about it but it seems to be blocked with a lot of articles about weed curing cancer which is just not true.

Oh well I am beyond trying to convince people otherwise. If there is anything to take away from my argument is that I believe that we should each do our own research into curing our bodies, instead of relying on one source
Honiker's avatar
why are we so dead set against the Fae right? huh? we ALL hate them, irrevocably, every day, it's kill fae kill, all the days, and we know about 'em,
and we just hate 'em, we hate 'em all, even if they know about things they say it anyway, wash that hate away and I'm still a kid so I just crush butterfly eaters all day long
it's kill moth kill kill moth but I don't need to you think?
love butterfly still it's not the same kinda hate,
hate fae hate, hate, hate...

-Gone Was Hate, the boy
Istarteddrawingbirds's avatar
I would say that both are valid to varying extents.
however, they are NOT exclusive.
it has been shown that some herbal/traditional remedies have ground.
but modern medicine has been proven to work.
what is bad is when people deny the benefits of modern medicine and replace it with traditional remedies.
Precipitous120's avatar
What is bad in my opinion is when people use treatments instead of cures, no matter the source of those treatments
Precipitous120's avatar
A waste of money as well as the fact that you are still suffering from something that can be easily cured
Istarteddrawingbirds's avatar
but what if the treatment is completely free?
Precipitous120's avatar
well if the cure is free too then I don't see the point in treatment
GrendalUnleashed's avatar

In the 20th century Pharma proclaimed the verasity of their compounds over 'herbology'

The classic example being 'Asprin', this was a result of observations of British soldiers in the Great War (WWI).

Welsh Soldiers suffered less from 'shell shock' (PTSD) than their contemporaries due to their chewing of White Willow Bark, this led to the brand known as Aspirin (A chemical reconstitution of the active ingredients in white willow - though the original doesn't have a increased risk of heart attacks!)

This Chemical reconstruction continues to this day...Monohydroclorides are prescribed for PTSD, depression, to chronic pain releif.

A synthetic version of cannabinoids, which are sooooooo less expensive than the artificial version.

Also I've been ridiculed for recommending hawthorn/mistletoe infusions to cancer patients...the current allopathic papers say Mistletoe has benefits for cancer patients.

Let's just put it plainly:

Herbalists are a mixture of faith and allpopathic medicine but allways bear in mind that every...THAT's EVERY allopathic cure/treatment comes from a herbal origin.
Precipitous120's avatar
So what you are saying is western medicine is bad?

Sorry you weren't very clear
aspacecowboy's avatar
The vast majority of herbal treatments aren't even what you think they are.  The A.G. in New York had commercial preparations tested and found nothing but asparagus and dehydrated lawn clippings.  The gingko doesn't conform to the Chinese standard.  They require the inner lining of the bark.  American gingko is grown in a big ol' field and it's mowed once a year and dehydrated.  I've seen recommendations for Horse Coin to be applied orally that could have enough strychnine to kill you.

Precipitous120's avatar
Well that is what you get for buying your herbs from a tablet store instead of from a garden shop

Just grow your own medicine people!
rosie4246's avatar
A lot of people are against them because they see at as something ancient, medicine used before we had "real" medicine. It's very true that today thanks to modern medicine we have cures to a lot of things, but a lot of these medicines can also do more harm than good. I was raised on homeopathic (herbal) medicine as well as western medicine should the need arise. When I was younger and even now, if I had a fever I would take Belladonna, if I had a cold I would take pulsatilla and a bunch of other stuff. Just because these cures and remedies are ancient, doesn't mean that they do not work. The whole reason they were passed down was because they worked to cure whatever ill they were fighting. I would say that it is really important to acknowledge the fact that, yes! Western Medicine is great and cures a lot, but don't turn your nose up at the homeopathic cures as another option. Who knows, in a lot of situations the homeopathic has helped in areas where western medicine did nothing.
Precipitous120's avatar
yeah true. I told a friend at school once that I make my own herbal remedies and he just looked at me like I am insane

he said that is what tablets are for.

but honestly I would rather trust what I make then a tablet I do not know what it will do or how it was made.

hmm... would you happen to know how to treat poisoning with herbs? I wanted to research how to cure poisoning

I learnt that snake bites are treated with salts and sugars when they don't have an anti venom

so I wonder what they do for poisons that have no treatment

any ideas?
rosie4246's avatar
Ive never really thought about treating poisoning, but it sounds like something really interesting to look into. wish I could help you
Precipitous120's avatar
Darn ^_^

Well thanks anyway, I find herbal treatments for the common cold interesting but it seems the more there is to learn the more there is to learn

and it is so very interesting :)

One of my recent discoveries is that a lot of poisons are used to create cures for illnesses, but heavily diluting the poison until it works as a cure.

I just wonder what if perhaps treatments for poisons can be improved by using herbal remedies instead of pills
JCoolArts's avatar
Well, I'm not entirely against herbal/nature based methods of healing, alot of FDA approved meds are derived from plants and nature already. The thing is, is I think if a plant has the power to actually cure an ailment, that plant would be in high demand and get alot of spotlight shed on it. People would notice, and everyone would have that plant in their homes...
I'm sure some plants have healing properties and pain easing compounds, but they don't actually cure, so most people just find it easier to pop pain pills than forage.

Sometimes, the effect of a herb is only that of a placebo, a sort of mind trick that makes the patient think they're feeling better. Which isn't entirely a bad thing, but definitely a dishonest thing.
Like essential oils... there's no clear background behind them except for maybe aroma therapy (btw> this is kinda funny www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_Ecmc…)

Anyways, I'm not so much against trying new things, plants included, but I like many others, prefer not to put my reliance firmly upon a plant that hasn't been thoroughly tested under proper circumstances. Who knows if you're allergic to said plant as well.
Precipitous120's avatar
Aroma therapy actually works... lol sounds stupid and I didn't believe it either... but I've actually seen documentaries about it and read a lot of scientifically backed research on the subject. one doctor said something on the lines of, 'the lungs are the fastest delivery system for medication' which makes sense.

Rosemary being one of the herbs that I've heard the most research on. It boosts your ability to remember and recall knowledge. They did several tests on it where people completed a series of memory tests and showed greater results when in a room with rosemary dispersed than a room without. Whatever the reason it works, where it is the fact that their senses are heightened because of this new smell or because the rosemary its self was the cause. They also used other herbs in the dispenser but rosemary was the one with the best results. Funny enough lavender actually decreases peoples ability to recall information, lol.

There are herbs that cure diseases and ailments that medication would have us treat and not cure. Asthma for instance. I was shocked when I discovered a cure, I read about in an old English book, I was later afforded the opportunity to test this cure and it did in fact work to cure a smoker of their asthma. The only problem with this cure is that it is probably very dangerous in used improperly. This is probably a factor into why some cures are never discovered or why they aren't medically accepted. My personal belief is that the medical companies just make too much money from making treatments, that cures which would end all medical expenses would just not be very profitable to them.

The FDA doesn't approve items according to their health benefits, the sole duty of the FDA is to insure that the ingredients listed are what exist in the product its self. They only remove items from the shelves after they kill someone or are proven to be harmful. Otherwise there is no extensive testing before hand to discover this fact.

This is why when there is an outbreak of some terrible disease in food products, they are only detected after deaths and illness then after the fact the source is discovered. If the FDA was truly testing products then this wouldn't be the case and harmful pills and foods could be detected before hand. This simply isn't the case
BronzeHeart92's avatar

Try this on for the size and see if any of the articles on this site are trustworthy. Fancy a drink of nano silver?
SinnexCryllic's avatar
Western medicine, I assume you mean the medicines that have been derived severely from plants and put into a pill, liquid, or solid form unlike what they started out as. The east has many medicines like that, too, if you assume that "western medicine" is just for the last century or so. Western medicine, in the early days, 1600's or so, had many herbs and concoctions and apothecaries and leeches for your browsing pleasure.

I digress. 

Most medicines are very strictly tested to be safe (to a degree) and to actually do what they are intended to do.
"It takes on average 12 years and over $350 million to get a new drug from the laboratory onto the pharmacy shelf. Once a company develops a drug, it undergoes around three and a half years of laboratory testing, before an application is made to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin testing the drug in humans. Only one in 1000 of the compounds that enter laboratory testing will ever make it to human testing."
After that, it is taken to three stages of human testing, then, after all of that, it is approved. Now, before any complaints saying that 'the government is in on it too,' imagine how it would be for the government when suddenly everyone is taking these expensive medicines that don't work for a long time. People would riot, especially those who work independently researching medicines, and have a strong sense of human rights. 

People take medicines because they work.

I don't think it's fair to assume all doctors are just in it for the money. No doctor that I know of would willingly subject their patients to years of agony just to keep them from the "cure" and keep making money. Besides, if you look at it a certain way, doctors who keep their patients under their reign would not make much money because after a year or two, most people would have given up and turned to another doctor. Besides, if your career advertisement is made up of "Oh, I didn't cure this person for 5 years, this person for 8, and this last person, hoo boy, she was roped in by me from her forties until death," well, no one's going to trust this doctor, and he/she may get his medical license just stripped.

Now onto "herbs."
Herbs do not undergo the same clinical testing phases that drugs do, which means their side effects and actual usefulness have not been scientifically documented as much as drug testing. Yes, some more popular herbs like tea and such have been documented to work, but they may not have been tested on a wider range of people, and what works for one person in one region of the world, may not hold true for another person. This may also be the case in medicines, but in most cases, there's a reason why medicines advise you to check with your doctor, whom is not swindling you, because of the backlash that would create.
Let's not talk about the problems that gathering your own herbs in the wild, especially for amateurs, would pose. *coughcoughpoisoncough*

There's pros and cons in everything, and herbs can be extremely useful, as well as drugs.