You don't have to "apologize" on behalf of others who share your skin color

scratchzx's avatar
I see this alot, especially with all the white ppl hate that's becoming normalized in our society. First off, you don't have to apologize for anything that happened in history or anything that is happening now JUST because they share your skin color. I'm..... Not sure why people are tryna assume that hey, if we share a skin color/race... We must be related/friends? I see it a lot within the black community where people think black people are all "buddies" and they're just one big happy family. When uhh, really they're not. No one is, lmao. That's so unrealistic. It should come without saying that's not how it works. 

I'm not gonna "apologize" for slavery, discrimination, or anything I didn't do and have no control over. I don't fucking know my ancestors. All I know is myself. 

This can go for religion too, like... Not everyone who shares the same religion knows each other. If they do, it's probably a cult because what the hell?
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SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
I treat others based on their behavior and demeanor, not on their skin color.

If you are a huge black dude walking towards me in the street in a casual manner and your movements do not give bad vibes I will pass by with no problem.

If the same happens but your body language signals danger, I get on alert

Why?. Not because you are black, but because you are perceived as lethal and black is one characteristic you just happen to have, you can be white and still be perceived as dangerous or with bad intentions depending on your body language and if you are an over six feet tall and 200 pound of muscle with a menacing look, an old little lady is prone to change lanes... it is self preservation on her mind

Some people do not want to be profiled but they do because of the vibes they give. Teens and young men are used to “act and walk tough” among their peers and they forget to switch when they are going on with their daily life.

When I was a teen I was a massive tomboy with skulls and leather jackets who walked like a boxer and fast... the older ladies changed lanes and grabbed their purses, when my only intention was just to cross the road. People do not know your intentions because not everybody has a correct perception of danger so they rely on looks too
FuZzY-MuTaNt's avatar
i agree 100% !!! :iconrlyplz: :love: :heart: :happybounce: 

if we focus on only negatives .. we will be very stressed out and make ourselves sick over it . :faint: x.x

theres lots of East Asian people who did REALLY bad things .. but , should we only focus on that , or focus on GOOD things East Asian people did ? :iconblankstareplz: 

i dont think we should generalize & judge based on something as trivial as skin color . at end of the day , we all look the same inside !! Lotus Monk Emote - Huggles 
paramount99's avatar
Racism is being used by the radical left to help stir up hatred and resentment and to divide and weaken the relatively free, western capitalised democracy that so threatens their ideological zealotry. They know they cannot beat democracy and the west on the battlefield - we'd just wipe the floor with them as per usual - so they go for weak outlets withing democratic societies: Liberalism, Socialism, MSM and big orgs and corps, to help feed their propaganda from within...
Cowards basically...
Shinigami-Sadies's avatar
I very much agree. 
Unless you were directly involved and racist, you should not have to apologise. 
No-one should ever have to kneel down on their knees and apologise for being of any race, EVER.  

We shouldn't ever forget about racism or what happened in the past, we should remember it and learn from it in order to change the future and bring about equality for everyone of every race and gender. 

We should aim towards a society were we get rid of the labels and stereotypes of black and white, and instead just have equal people. 
GameTrek's avatar
It is all about employment. See water-melon man…

It is about seeing a pretty girl who is beautiful ( X race ) with a scrawny looking guy of a minority ( not white and not light enough to be white )

Like seeing a girl  who is clearly pretty and have ideal features and is young with a black guy hanging out being playful.

About having an apartment ( space ) and being able to use that space to live and be happy and not be a white person ( or anything that is a white person ) and go outside and find somebody to be intimate in that space.

It is about seeing two people running up and down like children, when they are clearly courting each other irregardless of age difference. They are like happy kids, screaming of joy, in happiness.

Getting drunk on the train, and being hit on by guys and nobody is street, nobody is looking for a fight. Nobody is some minority who has nothing else better to do then look to attack somebody.


To sum up why you should feel bad.

Civil-rights = last time black people was normal.
After Civil-rights = Rappers imagery that is slang and low-lives

The problem is this. Every guy no matter how clean he dress himself will be seen as garbage. They could go to college and make $100,000 from an BA which is really an AS, and go to work and be ignored and be pushed to the side

The only reason why the majority of "White" women stays with a white man is because of the money in his pockets. Nothing else. She does not love him. She loves his money. It is like the football player that knocked out his wife. She is better off with him then with some guy that needs her. Because she does not want to work, mother, or promote her spouse. She just wants to be lazy and worship his cock. Like Eastern ( Asian ) couples, the husband might go and have sex with a call girl. You have losers you stay together because they are sickos and sleep with other spouses. "It is only boyfriend and girlfriend" or "This is a business relationship" 

She is a girl who could sleep with any man as long as his income is high enough. She is just there to show off to the parents. She is just his wife on paper. She is annoyingly bitchy and cause drama because that is how she spends her time being lazy.

Be with the guy who could live normal house, normal land, normal enjoyment. Even if he is lame and boring. Sleep with the guy that makes her wet just by the mere thought of him.

It is like that movie where the world is so polluted they live under ground.

They hold the scientist hostage.
They turn the young into sex slaves.
They made common things like a house wife an commodity

Your living in this world surounded by garbage. Your doing your best not to look like garbage. Here comes officer-negro flash his badge and his gun. Here comes Jew-boy teen bragging about how N-words is his best costumer. Here comes golden boy or old-man whitey with his young bride, girlfriend, art-whore.

Then we go F-RR#qrq# the Islamic Muslims
Hurray for the Japanese.

Meanwhile back in the states it is like

FR#QR#q# anything not European enough
Hurry for people who are European enough.

You have people who have girlfriends and dumps them. Then you expect somebody else to pick up that mess and deal with the hostility towards men.
Helll no.

That being said just by not being European ( white enough ) your made an easy target.


Yes you do. You should feel rotten that Europeans ruined the world for everybody and made everyone "civilized" AKA like them.

civilized, up to date, bs is all garbage. It is a weakness of the world itself. It is like the internet. Everything that exsist before it is very real and those ways still exsist. It just become ignorant to people who only see the internet.

The damages of

1. Red-lining.
2. Segregation
3. Raising of standards.
4. favoritism ( illegal move in employment where you promote people you like and not hard working employees, or any

To makes matters worst. You have all of these fake minority groups, which are just some form of white supremacy.

1. Feminism / Womanism
2. Pro-abortionist
3. separation of sex laws and idea
4. Abuse of religion and especially Catholicism ( not to be confused with Christianity )

In 1991 when the public is marketing ( again I say marketing ) the argument of "When do I go for sex to my spouse". The answer is "That is your business" and that is why we have a gazillion claims in court which can never go nowhere at all.

  turn something that was under the sheets into a television show

The bottom-line is that

A. Black people barely got out of segregation and have to struggle to deal with fictionalized ideas of standards.

It is not only black people. It is anybody out there.

You can not live normal inside of a room, apartment, space, or even a house in the USA without being harassed. USA propaganda give you choice.

A. You have the choice to not care

B. You have the choice to listen

By doing A, or B, your damaging yourself because you are losing your


over these things


That is what White people have robbed, stolen, like the golden Eagle from every other race on the planet. More importantly are the same Jewish Money Lenders who twist, spew there own form of propaganda to promote fear among the races, religion.

2001 Zionist tricked the USA in committing genocidal activities over gold and oil.

Kuwait is part of Iraq
Iraq should told the inspectors to shove off. For what Missiles form WWII?
Gaddafi had right to do anything to stop rebels, even purpose trading in gold.
Afghanistan is no different then Korea. It is there for the USSR and USA to abuse, along with Syria.

An excuse to deploy troops.


When USA had Nazi's captured they were eating fresh stakes in front of people going through a famine, drought, and economic downturn.

When USA captured Average Akmed along with loyal officers of Iraq and Afghanistan they used Latino's gang problem as a way to prevent them from using their POW rights.

Germany ( Nazi Germany ) literally setup in South Americas AKA "Fantasy Island" those people are decedents of Germans move to South America region.
They are no different then Israeli settlers.…
Ouroboros-BySam's avatar
There is a biological factor here that I think a lot of humans are unaware of: and that is tribalism.  It is genetically hardwired into human behavior.  These days it isn't very practical, but back when humans were hunter gatherers living in small communities it was pretty useful.  Humans are put off by things that are *like* themselves but a little different- possibly because when a human becomes ill they look like you but a little different.  We don't like it when members of our own tribe start to look different (illness is dangerous if it spreads through a community), and we don't like coming across members of Other Tribes (who will almost certainly look different) because humans are in competition with each other for resources.  That last point is actually still true (although if we collectively got our human crap together it wouldn't be).  Jobs are a resource that humans fight over and use to justify treating other humans like they are less than human (prejudice against immigrants).

I totally get your point, OP.  I also find this behavior ridiculous.  If humans just collectively understood that these feelings they have are just left over survival mechanisms from before we invented agriculture then we could all just get on with life.  But all humans do not collectively understand this, and the minority groups that you are currently frustrated with are frequently less educated and therefore less likely to understand the nature of tribalism.  They just feel the tribalism, and it is the majority group that keeps them down so to them tribalism is a Fact of Reality that they must contend with.  And in tribalistic terms, we are absolutely responsible for other members of our tribe and if we want to have harmonious relations with members of other tribes we MUST apologize for the assholes that share our color.  Because that is how human psychology works.  You can know intellectually that it is stupid and ridiculous, but that doesn't actually change how it works or how any other humans feel instinctually about it.  Not to mention, a lot of white people exhibit tribal behavior against minority groups.  They have some excuses that they use to justify it because they don't understand that their instinctual hatred is actually just genetic tribalism.  You can try to consciously rise above it, but you need to understand that it effects the majority of humans and *yes* you have to meet other humans where they're at: recognize tribalism.  Recognize the tribe strangers assume you belong with.  Recognize that you are branded with all the actions of every member of your tribe.  

This is subconscious human instinct and saying that it is stupid does not actually change how other humans feel about it in their gut.  It is something we would need to be trained out of from a young age.
GameTrek's avatar
To sum things up. I went to college, all the professors who was non-European in comparison to European ( white ) professors was not relaxed or happy.


It has nothing to do with "Tribalism" people just want to be normal and not have to deal with

A. People using religion as a crutch via Supermacy of any sort

B. People burning their youth worshiping the Rap Hip-Hop culture when they all could be studying to be physicians and doctors or something useful.


My "tribe" is my nation AKA the USA. Not

"I am from X nation working  a job or studying Milking US funds meanwhile abusing the law to work against US citizens while I am breaking the law via ghetto living ( living among immigrants who live as if they were in another nation which is alien to another person ).

Black slavery is unforgivable.
Segregation post Civil-war is unforgivable
Jim Crow is unforgivable
Toting the African American image as alien, gay, odd, is unforgivable.
Producing rap music hip hop gang image if unforgivable.
Creating and changing standards like turning an Associates into a Bachelors is unforgivable.
Making more separation of sexes laws and messing with peoples privacy is unforgivable.

It is insane


When you grow up in a neighborhood all your life with a

a car
both parents presented
school officials that care
a religious community
a community hall

all taken for granted

in comparison to %15 to %23 of the population unable to function normal and having to choose between.

A. Work hard and never be able enjoy life or have anything outside of working hard.

B. Be like Brevick and work hard only to become the next Uni-Bomber or Mexican Joker, or _____ shooter.

that is really what it is about.

Imagine growing up and everyone is hostile to you and only polite because they do not want to lose their jobs

Outside of the workplace, at a bar, club, etc, place of enjoyment you are seen as "recluse".

An outcast loner with no direction.


Imagine your not a young adult. All the grown ups are nice to you because they do not want to be arrested or lose their jobs.

You show signs of being mature, being fearless, being young, and ability to have sex, drive motor-vehicle.

THEN YOU BECOME A TARGET. For some reason being young, happy, and penniless is a crime.

Imagine becoming

in jail,
pregnant with children,
in debt
or running a business


you suddenly go back to being on the ignore list as you was a kid.
People are polite to you because they do not want to go to jail.

Ouroboros-BySam's avatar
I'm not saying that any of this isn't true.  Multiple things can be true at the same time.  All I'm saying is the human tendency to categorize people into groups (tribalism) is the reason why we have to apologize for other white people, and why when humans see a member of ANY group doing ANYthing, they tend to ascribe this behavior to the entire group.  It's a thing I have seen every human I've ever interacted with for longer than 20 minutes do.  It's a thing I MYSELF do even though I know it's ridiculous.  Because something about humans makes up wanna put people into groups and make them all the same in our mind.  That was my entire point.  All of this other stuff you brought up is also valid, I just don't see how it directly relates to my answer to the question "why do I need to apologize for other white people's behavior."  Answer: because you are white, and you represent white people by being white, so if you want people who are not white to trust you, you have to show remorse for the things white people do, and that involves apologizing.
6Cracks's avatar
No you don't. But you should be aware of how the actions of your ancestors directly benefit you and harm the marginalized groups they enslaved or brought to kneel.
KaizenKitty's avatar
not all white people have the same ancestors =P
6Cracks's avatar

The implication from your response stands to reason that a person's status as a white person is irrelevant when it is not. Regardless if their ancestors fought against or for slavery they still didn't have to suffer the ramifications of slavery. So they're privileged.

Calling someone privileged isn't an attack on them or their race personally.

It's simply addressing the fact that some people have advantages that others don't. In the case of race, sexual identity/orientation, class, and sex. Purely because of societal reasons.

scratchzx's avatar

i dont know them r who im related to, by all means my ancestors were probably slaves or the ones who tried to stop slavery. durr.

6Cracks's avatar

Then the reverse is true.

KaizenKitty's avatar
only makes sense to apologize on behalf of literally your family or your real close friends. like if your child did something nasty, as a parent, you apologize, make your kid apologize [and obviously teach your child to behave]
Smithnikovat's avatar
I reject white racial guilt for the same reasons I reject Christianity; I do not buy into Sins of the Father horseshit. 
i dont know, maybe you do

and maybe its okay if men start taking some responsibility for - and directly apologizing for - the gross mistreatment and abuse of women as well

i've had men apologize to me on behalf of their genders wrongdoings and I've gotta say, i respect it. it does make me see them as different.

i think that going through life pretending bad things arent happening to certain types of people every day at the hands of people just like you is immaturity and it doesn't show a good character.

if someone of my race or gender harms someone else - especially a LOT of someone else's - i will apologize and let them know that i am not like that and i do not condone that behavior. to me, that's what any mature and caring person would do

people with a "not my problem" mentality? i dont respect them
KaizenKitty's avatar
what justice is being served when innocent men are made to pay for the actions of cruel wicked men who have actually abused and debased women?????

i think that thinking ill of all men just because bad men exist, is immature and unhealthy. also not logical. it doesn't make any sense. every gender group has its awful people. that doesn't make a whole gender group somehow complicit. they can't help being the sex/gender they are.

also if someone goes out of their way to tell me they 'apologize on behalf of other men/women'...... that sounds like: "im not like other men/girls", which is manipulative as fuck, and i would be very wary of that purrson. :lol: some male ''feminists'' just use it as a trick to get into your pants :shrug:.....which kinda explains how so many [prominent] male feminists turn out to be cheating on their wives for many years... :sarcasticclap:

Badge Awards

but i never said any of those things. your interpretation can i put this...its very exaggerated. thats how i would describe it.

its very 'black and white thinking'

most of life occurs in a gray area.

apologizing for something doesnt mean youre being penalized and it doesn't mean youre taking on 100% of the responsibility either. Its about acknowledgement and compassion.

i also never said i think ill of all men just because bad men exist. i'm a fan of man. men are my favorite people. i love them dearly and i think they're so cute and special. i always want to hug them, give them food or presents, and take care of them if they are sick or support their art, etc. when i find a man that i respect, the fondness that i feel towards him can be so strong it transcends words.

however, a lot of men have treated women in terrible unconscionable ways. if we ever want to have true equality in this society i think it would start with the men who consider themselves to be "good men" stepping up and saying "women, i'm sorry you've been treated that way. you didn't deserve it. and i wil stand with you and do what i can to prevent such happenings in future." fortunately, a lot of good men will do this, and they do do this. and its not a ploy. apologizing to someone genuinely is a very difficult thing to do. it requires sincerity. its every bit as difficult as saying 'i love you.' its not something the immature and unfeeling can even accomplish well.

the male feminists i know are not like what you described at all. they are truly good people. i can say that because i've known them for years. they are brilliant, talented, fairminded, mature, responsible, respectable, and feminist. i feel so proud and so grateful to have such wonderful masculine counterparts in the struggle. i only hope every year for more and more male feminists to appear.

when you meet a feminist man youre gonna be wary and avoid but when i meet a male feminist i'm going to try to get married. lol that's just me. having a husband who is an artist and a feminist is my ultimate dream.

KaizenKitty's avatar

yea but a good man apologizing for something he had no part in, literally does nothing to erase the problem of domestic abuse (done by another man, who is not being held accountable). it still continues. thats like sitting around expressing 'acknowledgement', while doing nothing to resolve the actual issue. i dont see how that is helping reduce actual crimes committed against women? making innocent men apologize instead of holding guilty men accountable for what they have done. seems like a big waste of time, and also a hurtful thing to do to a guy... implying that he is in any way related to some monster rapist abuser, just because theyre both guys. :|



compassion can be expressed in many different ways, most of which to not involve apologizing for things you didnt do. and a man doesn't have to say "i wil stand with you and do what i can to prevent such happenings in future," to actually protect and help out a woman who is in danger.




well.... just beware..... :hmm: you could be marrying a Joss Whedon :shrug: (though i hope things go better for you)

joss whedon is joss whedon. he is his own person, not the face of male feminism.
also i've never even met joss whedon so i dont know WHAT kind of person he is
he could be how people say and he could not
without me having time to know him and investigate him i cant tell you what a joss whedon is or isnt. and its irrelevant either way. this is just one man in a sea of millions. what he does is not particularly relevant to me in any way
but he has provided me a lot of really good entertainment over the years. that i can say
but ultimately...joss whedon is joss whedon's problem

Again you're changing my words

i didn't say it was going to solve the problem, i said it was the first step in solving the problem. You cant solve a problem if you won't acknowledge its happening and that damage is being done. What if a dentist didn't accept that patients had cavities? no problems would be addressed. acknowledgement is just the beginning

you believe that good men have no part in bad men's doings. but i believe they play a huge role. when good men stand by and do nothing they are aiding bad men in bad deeds. you may not agree, but this is how i see it. good men dont say anything when they see bad men abusing women. they would prefer to stay out of it, or some of them deep down just dont care. and if they would accept that today and change, it would bring about a lot of improvement in society. just my opinion and you dont have to agree either.

again, i didn't say we should "make" anyone do anything.

"compassion can be expressed without an apology"....a pointless statement. it has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. but also it doesnt matter because apologies do things that other methods dont do. love can expressed in many ways other than literally saying 'i love you' but they wont have the same effect and they wont bring about the same feelings. i'm not getting into all of the ways a man could improve life for women because thats off topic. the topic is you dont have to apologize for your race. i assert that you should if your race has done massive damage. and i used the male/female situation more as an analogy, not so that i could get caught up in unrelated side arguments.

again, i never said that saying the words was going to provide the actual action. i said it was a start

the logic that youre working with seems very twisted and its like you are dead set on having some kind of argument with me about this and i gotta tell you, i'm not invested nor am i interested in having it with you. i'm not gonna do it. i said what i think, youre welcome to disagree. you expressed your disagreement, i think that the basis of your disagreement doesnt relate to my statements at all but i do want you to know that i have noted your disagreement and i accept it.

you dont have to agree with me. that is not something i need. so there is no reason for you to be coming at me half cocked. just relax, its not that deep. you can think whatever you want about this topic. i'm not gonna stop you. but i'm also not gonna your opinions into MY problem. theyre not my problem. you and i dont even have a relationship at all. you dont owe me anything. and vice versa.

Smithnikovat's avatar
I'll apologize for the wrongs I personally did. I have no interest in bearing the sins of others. That is theirs to bear, not mine, and you're wrong to try and put it on them. 

maybe go take your butthurt manbaby feelings to someone who will care? that might get you the result youre looking for. but i have nothing for you over here

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is this supposed to mean something to me or "make me change?"

i already has the full "gezz wat ur RONG' routine from kaizenkitty and it was boring af that time, now its really a snoozefest

i said what i said. dont like it? oh well. i dont know what to tell you