Clit adhesion (disclaimer : gross gynecological detals x~x )

olq-plo's avatar
So no idea if this common enough that anyone has the slightest idea what it is, I didn't know what its few months ago until I researched my issue from having clit pain for two months.

Long story short it's when your clit hood or part of it for some reason is glued to your clit, instead of moving freely. You can imagine if part of the skin that covers the pe*is was simply stuck on the head, or part of it.

That's basically what I have, on one side, and every now and then it cause me a lot of pain due to the buildup of natural substances produced there or after my period cause blood gets stuck in it.

I think I just accidentally ripped part of it while trying to clean, I sort of had a bit of a hope that maybe if I pull it a bit it would just break free, but instead it felt more like part of my skin was ripped and it hurt for a second, didn't bleed. Only when I tried to clean it with water afterwards, the second water touched it I received an electric shock and stopped. Now I have no idea if I'm ok or if I fucked up and gonna have this pain everytime I try to clean with water, it's terrifying.

btw please don't tell me to go a gyno, if I was ready I would be there already instead of typing here, you think I wanna suffer for months from pain in my clit ? That just tells you how hard it is for me to go to this kinda doctor, I can't do it, so don't tell me to do it like everytime I ask a question or ask for help about this kind of issues.

I don't find a lot of information about clit adhesion, anyone had this ? How did you cure it ? I read that your doctor can remove it in-office under anesthesia. This sort of make me feel better because it means the pain is just pain and it doesn't necessarily mean I did something bad, maybe I did exactly what the doctor would have done but without anesthesia ? Except I didn't do it entirely, only a part got detached, it's already better I think

EDIT : it turns out there's blood on my clit I just saw it.
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Capt-Snowflake's avatar
Weird. I'm a doctor, as is my wife, and we have never had anyone present with this before. What we have seen is a phimosis, which, in men, is an adherence of the foreskin to the glans of the penis. Did a little digging around and I guess women can get a similar thing. I'm posting a link, but I really would encourage you to see a professional about it. Anyway, good luck and I hope this resolves soon.…
olq-plo's avatar
Thanks, reading the last part about the facia release and how "you can do it at home" helps, at least I guess it's not automatically a surgery situation.
HappyRipperBeast's avatar
Sounds like the wound was just too raw. I've had cuts and bits taken off me before. And when water hit the wound it would send searing stabby pain when in contact with water. The tissue around that area of the body is rather thin, so any injury there could feel like a major wound. If you insist in not seeing a doctor, then you should monitor and clean the wound closely/regularly. 

But a serious warning, a wound if left unchecked could become infected. Inflammation can become severe, and in the area you are describing could hinder your movement. In worst cases the infection could go septic. 

And who needs that? 
olq-plo's avatar
" I've had cuts and bits taken off me before"

Why ?
HappyRipperBeast's avatar

Just living life. I go outside a lot nowadays, especially thanks to the whole covid-19 I get a great amount of alone time. And when you get moving around or do things, you tend to come out of it with a boo-boo or two.

olq-plo's avatar
I thought you meant in the area I'm talking about lol
HappyRipperBeast's avatar

Well, I did get spiked on the inner thigh oce trying to jump an iron fence. But have yet to be wounded anywhere near the gooch area! hashtag blessed!