Are some people natural bedbug repellent?

Ichinzen's avatar
So bed bugs have become an issue in my group home due to  no fault of my own however despite the house being infested I'm the only one not getting bitten. My personal space is also seemingly free from bed bugs. Is it possible the reason bugs don't bite me is due to I don't know maybe I'm secreting something they don't want to bite into or is somehow toxic to them? I don't know where else to ask this and get an honest decent reply.
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Snark567's avatar
Best thing to do is to search around for them before it becomes a big issue. You can try to use a ventilator heater or whatever they are called in english lol to kill em. Turn around the matress and point the heater at it. You should also check under tables, chairs and so on in case they hide there and do it every so often just to be sure.
ShinigamiOokamiRyuu's avatar
there are oils and chemicals that bed bugs don't care for external so it's possible for internal as well.  such as garlic and the likes, but, perhaps they just haven't made it there yet, because they are bound to eat everyone eventually.  you could search on the net for the reason however, but that's something which comes to mind right off hand as they say.
Ichinzen's avatar
i already tried googling about it but no luck there. As usual google is of no use as it gives too many similar results.
Antarasol's avatar
No idea about bed bugs, but in case of mosquitoes, body odor has shown to be a significant factor to become stung or not. Some people are not repellent, but just aren't recorgnised as possible  targets by mosquitoes.

Summary: You're too boring. You don't smell attractive enough to bed bugs :D

PS: But seriously you are just an alien invader who was sent and had their memory removed for safety reasons, till the activation signal will trigger you. So all earthen bugs who get near you just drop dead from your poisonous nature to earthen life.
Vineris's avatar
It's probably just luck and environmental factors. You might also not be allergic to the bites.
TheLady-Doctor's avatar
It's unlikely that you're actually toxic to them naturally, but there are a few reasons some people aren't bothered by bugs. 

One of these has to do with your natural metabolism and how much CO2 and body heat you emit. Warmer people and those who naturally emit more CO2 are easier for most blood sucking insects to detect. 

Certain medications or chemicals can also repel insects- a-terthienyl is the chemical responsible for the marigold scent, and bugs hate it. Likewise with dimethyl sulfoxide, which gives garlic it's smell. 

Bedbugs specifically only come out to feed in the dark, so if your area is kept significantly brighter all the time they may be avoiding you. 

If you've got some factor that makes you unappealing, and they have a choice of an 'easier' food source, then they'll go for it until their population hits the point where they are actually forced to move due to starvation- and with bedbugs that can take a really, really long time. 

Another thing to keep in mind is that the itching and welts people experience are an allergic reaction to insect saliva- and some people do not have this reaction. Because each insect is different, you may react to the bite of some insects but not to others. If you don't have an allergic reaction to the insect saliva, or are taking antihistamines, then you won't get itching or welts and may not be aware you've been bitten.  
Impious-Imp's avatar
Honestly I think that your stuff just hasn't gotten exposed.  However there might be something in your system they don't like but I find that extremely unlikely.  you should really get your staff to report it ASAP though to make sure that it's dealt with since you may have to replace shit.
Ichinzen's avatar
something similar happen happen at school with lice too when i was a kid, everyone (african american kids included) got lice and i was the only one who didn't get them in the entire school, well except for that bald middle aged principal we had at the time. Considering i'm white i should've had lice before the african american kids.
Impious-Imp's avatar
I think hygiene might impact it