Anyone Else's "Recommended For You" Algorithm Off?

CastilloRA's avatar
I'm not sure if the kinks are still being worked out but the stuff in my "Recommended For You" page is stuff I wouldn't recommend.

Anyone else having that problem? And is there a way to fix it?

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phoenixleo's avatar
Hello CastilloRA ,

I’m afraid that I am leaving this reply to inform you that your thread will be closed today. While we greatly appreciate your use of our forums, I’m afraid that this particular thread doesn’t meet our posting guidelines so we’re going to bring the discussion to a halt.

We’ve made a few posts such as our helpful guidelines for this forum which you might find useful for your future forum postings. Thank you for your understanding!
PlatinumBeta's avatar
There's a quick way to fix it, that's what I do: install Ublock Origin and hide that thing for good.
nichtgraveyet's avatar
Hover over the stuff you don't want to see, and in the top right there's a menu button (circle with three dots) - you can choose 'show less like this' from there.
CastilloRA's avatar

Perfect! Thank you so much!!

nichtgraveyet's avatar
You can also mute tags you don't want to see, the form for that is in your account settings. Haven't actually used it myself, but it's supposed to work..