Can people stop being so racist to whites/caucasian people?

BeautifulRainofAutum's avatar
I hate that word with a passion btw, Racism... Racism is never gonna end i know that, but people who go out of their way to be as blatantly racist as they can, especially when they are being hypocrites, really REALLY gets on my fucking nerves.

Honestly, what is up with all the racism towards white folk? Do you think it makes it acceptable to belittle and segregate a group of people because of their skin color? Their accomplishments? Their flaws? Do you think it's "reparations" to ruin innocent lives on account of what someone did a long time ago who may or may not have any connection whatsoever? Do you think the only way to stop racism is through making it worse? 

"Fuck white people"
"White privilege"
"Your white" (as if the color of your skin should invalidate anything you say or has/doesn't any kind of value or whatever)
"You this and that because you're white"
"Whitewashing" (but have no problem changing white characters)

Then they all defend eachother when one of them is being called out.

I've even had people assume that i'm white and treat me like shit because they think i am, wich i'm not. And i even had someone recently say they wish i woke up "black" as if that's meant to offend me or something. Also kinda racist? I wouldn't ever tell a black person that i hope they woke up white.

And these are the same people who preach about equality on a daily basis and make it their motto to be against racism. This is what pisses me off the most.

Is it so hard to treat everyone the same?
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KhameleonX87's avatar
Just ignore people like that and move on (yes it really is that simple).  
SirEdigarious's avatar
 Score hall make any more comments about how white people are evil...... just remember you’re speaking of an entire race, and GODDAMNIT AMERICA IS NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY IM THE WORLD
Psychelea's avatar
Us white people have been enslaved for centuries until the great white man came to save us :) please stop being racist to whites people
ClassySecretAgent's avatar
1. You people have never had to fight for anything.
2. Your rights were never in question.
3. Your existence was never a political issue.
4. You people bitch and whine about confederate monuments being taken down.
5. You people bitch and whine about Christopher Columbus being rightfully called a genocidal colonizer.
6. You people steal the cultures of POC, and engage in seriously outrageous and offensive cosplay of indigenous people.
7. You act racist towards POC simply for the color of their skin, and every time a POC has tried to make a name for themselves, it's always been WHITE PEOPLE to stand in their way.

As far as I'm concerned, I AM racist towards white people, because you people are fucking evil. You've done so much harm to the world everywhere you go, so excuse the fuck out of me if your pwecious widdle feewings are being hurt. Fuck you.

Do not bother replying to this; I will not argue with you.
Smithnikovat's avatar
Oh, and the Irish would probably like a word with you about those first three points as well. 
ClassySecretAgent's avatar

I'm saying white people as a RACE, not a nationality, and specifically, I am talking about the US.

Smithnikovat's avatar

So why weren't Irish people given the same privileges in the US? The Irish at times were subject to being killed on sight if some nationalist gang decided it was fun to do so.

ClassySecretAgent's avatar

Because Irish people were CATHOLIC compared to Americans being largely opposed to Catholicism at the time. Much of the bigotry against the Irish was LARGELY based on religion. The Jews were treated the EXACT SAME WAY we treated the Irish before the Holocaust and mass-slaughter of the Jews began. The Irish were dehumanized not because they were white, but because they were CATHOLIC much like white Jews were killed because they were JEWISH.

Smithnikovat's avatar

Seems white skin doesn't save you from bigots, does it....

ClassySecretAgent's avatar

On that point, you are correct, but remember... Irish were considered for a long time to be "not white" BECAUSE of their religion, and Gaelic dialect. Also, I see the point you're trying to make, but it's not landing and let me tell you why.

Irish people are not people of color. I am talking about white people oppressing people of color, and the rampant imperialism and the destruction that brings. My original point was referring to the color of your skin and what privilege that gets you NOW; not yesteryear. Even if you weren't "white" at some point, and you're white NOW, you have PRIVILEGE that people of color do not.

  1. The courts are likely to be more lenient towards you

  2. You're likely to never be shot by the police

  3. You're likely to have your application considered before a person of color with an ethnic sounding name

  4. You're likely to be far more wealthy than black and latinx people

  5. You're far more likely to live in nice neighborhoods with better schools and education than a person of color

  6. You're far more likely to move up on the economic ladder than a person of color

Point is, you have privilege if you're white, and that's why I HATE my fellow white people. Society should be FAIR, and EQUAL. Everyone should have the SAME OPPORTUNITY as the wealthy or white people. Plain and simple. White people are the same people, who are likely to drain the swimming pool if it keeps black people from swimming in it.

KaizenKitty's avatar
ClassySecretAgent's avatar

Yeah... Well... They started it.

SkullsandBeauty's avatar
Lmao what are you 12?
Smithnikovat's avatar
>>1. You people have never had to fight for anything.
>>2. Your rights were never in question.
>>3. Your existence was never a political issue.

Blairmountain by Smithnikovat
As the descendant of someone who fought at Blair Mountain for the simple right of being treated like a human being instead of being less than a goddamned mule by the coal fuedalists, all i can say is NO, FUCK YOU SIR. 
ClassySecretAgent's avatar

And? You've probably never had to give your kids "the talk" when it comes to interacting with police officers, have you?








Exactly. STFU, you retarded piece of garbage.

Smithnikovat's avatar

Yea, no, I won't. Though I probably would give my non-existent kids the advice of "Lawyer up. Don't say anything you don't have to, but be polite with what little you do say."

BIMSEL18's avatar
"you people" Oh my. 
ClassySecretAgent's avatar

Actually, I should have used quotation marks. Good call! White people aren't human. They're more like thieving devils that like to go around touching anything that isn't theirs.

BIMSEL18's avatar
Ah right you're just a fucking blatant racist then ok 
ClassySecretAgent's avatar

You can't be racist towards white people.

BIMSEL18's avatar

That is, to this day, one of the most backwards and retarded things i have ever had the displeasure of reading. You're no better than those hateful skinheads from the south

NaomiDrawzz's avatar
Dang Classy, not cool. People with lighter skin are also human, and should be treated as such. Also, the heck with “touching anything that isn’t theirs”? I rarely touch ANYTHING 

(BIMSEL18 you’re good)
ChaosT's avatar
I see you've gotten your education through Twitter.