My apple pencil ran out of battery.

Hackanvas's avatar
Fml. Now I can't draw digitally. I have to (cringe) use traditional.
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The-Power-Driller's avatar
First world problems much?
ShinigamiOokamiRyuu's avatar
Pikachu failed, abort mission and restart, sometimes helps finish a mission to restart the mission instead of last checkpoint
Hackanvas's avatar

I don't know what you just said but it sounds like a good idea.

EyeballEarth's avatar
Citrus-Chickadee's avatar
Apple makes pencils now?

...Is this a parody thread? :B
Hackanvas's avatar

Yeah, some people didn't realize it and took me seriously.

Rick-4F's avatar
Uhh, Apple *does* make a pencil.

Only 99.99!
SophitiaCroft's avatar
Big fucking hairy deal! I do not give a fuck! Why tell us! Just change or recharge the batteries!

I do not make threads every time I have to change the AA batteries in my Xbox control pad.

Rick-4F's avatar
I've been watching you for a while now. ;) (Wink) 

You're cute!Hug 
Going to invite you to a party soon, you're going to be blast!  :D (Big Grin) 
SophitiaCroft's avatar
Just for you:

Mass-effect 3 by SophitiaCroft   Mass-effect-3-ending by SophitiaCroft   Still-a-better-ending-than-mass-effect-3 by SophitiaCroft  

Oh look lets make it that all your choices were meaningless over the last 3 games because we at EA can't be bothered to pay our writers more than $5 and luncheon vouchers.

Imagine having to bring out DLC for the story. Funniest thing I have ever heard.

How did you find that masterpiece of ineptitude in Andromeda with that and ME3 made by a racist thug in Manveer Heir.

Thanks to Andromeda this shit franchise in now deader than disco.

Atleast we don't have to put up with the utterly grotesque stomach churning vomit inducing Liara T'Soni anymore. I have scraped dogshit of my shoe that is better looking than her or the equally grotesque FemShep.
Sorodolo's avatar
What's wrong with drawing traditionally?
EmperorSeverne's avatar
Why it pays to have multiple devices
MadrePappagallo's avatar
Do something else while its charging.