Artistic motivation, Patreon, and dignity

CaninePrince's avatar
... OK, so, now that my campus hell should be over, I went back to drawing. As people can see, I started to get active again. Now for the complaints....

For the first part, I really don't like to be pressured to make money. I know I have finished my study, but I still on't like to be nudged all day about finding job, especially when it is still pandemic hell and people are still scared to go out (... I think anyway).

For the second part, I have always considered setting Patreon. I hate to admit I have envy issues with other artists that I keep to myself, and I kinda... don't want to be lonely, so I set it up along with a possible new home out of Discord server. So I set things up, to the length of having another friend overseas to lend me their PayPal account as I don't have one yet nor I have a usable card for it.

Now comes for the Patron Tiers: I have to set up benefits and things for each tier. Problem is where it clashes with my codes. I seriously don't like the idea of exclusive artwork contents for small group of people, I always draw to show everything I could do. This leaves me with nothing to offer.

My other issue, I have talked to my (only) close art friend about it before. I am honestly scared of being art slave. Yet I also need some motivation to draw, and figured out Patreon may give me reason to do so.

Between artistic motivation vs. slavery balance and reluctance of exclusivity, I'm pretty conflicted with having Patreon now....

Also, that I have to write all the tags by myself instead of copy pasting it from DA is pretty scrappy too.

:icontealdeerplz: :iconlazyweepplz: Patreon makes me feel conflicted, with exclusivity and possible art slavery issue....

Bonus Complaint: My only cable for my iPhone Aria is ded, cut off, broken. I need to wait for new cable while waiting anxiously with campus things....   
Bonus Complaint2: I might have alienated my watchers with my last thread here....
Bonus Complaint3: I have to draw a lot of emotes for Discord... I hate having to draw like this....:iconsolazyplz:
Anti Complaint: My WiFi connection is back after factory-resetting the router.
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TheCunningCondor's avatar


pick one
Hertz0's avatar
What was your last thread about? As for the patreon thing. YOU could run a patreon page without too many tiers and only promise to upload art regularly. though you'd probably earn more cash whoring yourself out.

Yes, you can interpret that last bit anyway you like.    
CaninePrince's avatar
As of now, I couldn't even make more than one essentially benefitless tier, I'm too afraid to even try promising something....
I'm scared....
Hertz0's avatar
lol then just start with that one tier. You can always add more later. IMO you're better off treating patreon as if it were a hobby that just happens to earn you pocket change from time to time. It'll take some of the pressure to perform off your shoulders, but also you won't feel as disappointed in case your patreon never takes off.  
CaninePrince's avatar
You're right. Slow release, gradual upgrade as I grow.

Thankies for the advice! (ฅ≧꒳≦ฅ)
Scorbuniis's avatar
You graduated ? o: Congrats !!
CaninePrince's avatar
Not yet... I'm having some administration troubles....
Scorbuniis's avatar

oh no ! Sorry to hear that. :(

CaninePrince's avatar
As of now, I'm still waiting anxiously... In all honesty, I had been quite a scrap in my studies myself....
Scorbuniis's avatar

Ahh ;v; good luck !!