This is what I really said about "rape should be legal".

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morbidman187's avatar
Hello RetroSpriteResources,

While we usually appreciate it when members make use of our forums it appears that your particular thread here was created in order to be disruptive so we will be closing it.

Please try to make your future use of our forums more positive and productive, thank you!
ToucheElfeAphrodite's avatar
What alternate universe is this!?
Pulcella's avatar
MarchosiasVX's avatar
GR8 B8 M8. Best troll evar.
Here morbidman187 can give you a cookie.

Heard about this fail troll, had to come down to complaints to see this trainwreck for myself.
glassesrabbit's avatar
i just felt my soul evaporate from my body
KytCordell's avatar
This is some seriously invested trolling. Still, although I applaud the amount of thought you put into this, would get struck down for being unconstitutionally vague, even if we overlook all the human rights violations.
DEDU-creations's avatar
Why you still not banned ?
NanoPoi's avatar
Kid's screwed in the head. Still likes Barney. Also T and A kind of guy. Disgusting. No wonder he wants rape to be legal, tits and asses turn him on.
RetroSpriteResources's avatar
You've got some fap material of your own in your gallery.
Pix3M's avatar
Afternoon sunlight by jameycakeshotty

You thought this was a photo of my friend jameycakeshotty and said her skin looked like plastic. Thats because that's a 3D render
Hertz0's avatar
I can't even come up with something witty for this over the top bullshit.

-100/10 Worse bait I have ever seen.   
Pix3M's avatar
I dunno about you, I find the amount of effort wasted into this bait to be comical
Wolflich's avatar
Does this even really qualify as bait anymore? I think there comes a point where 'pretending to have a problem' is your actual problem.
Pix3M's avatar
tbh, I think he's pretty genuine and not doing this for attention. He's about as dumb as he presents himself.

He's posting this trying to save face thinking that this wall of text will make him more smart and logical but it still misses the point LMAO
Wolflich's avatar
In that case he should be locked away somewhere he can't be a problem to normal people.
Hertz0's avatar
For sure. Kid already lost since he's putting way more effort into his trolling than people are into reacting to his bullshit.  
Eiradescent's avatar
Dude's a troll. Stop feeding him.
Pix3M's avatar
It's not trolling if the only person made into a fool is they themselves ;)
YellowTarantula's avatar
die right the fuck now