Japanese (Hiragana) Issue with Programs

RadSpazBro's avatar
Ex. 1: UTAU_Problem by RadSpazBro
Ex. 2: Sai_Problem by RadSpazBro

I have Japanese already installed onto my computer; it shows Kanji/Hiragana just fine on websites. When it comes to programs though, none of this shows up... it all just looks like nonsense. The weirdest thing too is that it only does this with Japanese. Any fix to this problem?
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MissNishikino's avatar
Change your system locale to Japanese. That or you can use AppLocale, because it looks like from the UTAU screenshot that  you're using XP. (Or is that Windows 7's XP compatibility mode?)
RadSpazBro's avatar
I just solved the problem, actually. But thank you for the suggestion anyway!