Clipping group in Photoshop

AimoniX's avatar
Hello, is there option in Photoshop CS6 that works like Clipping group in Paint Tool Sai? How to do it? 
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Lord-FurFur's avatar
Right click on desired layer, choose "create clipping mask" you will see a arrow showing the layers that are within the clipping mask.
AimoniX's avatar
I click Create Clipping Mask on the base layer and everything on this layer just disappeared. I don't get it...
Lord-FurFur's avatar
Here is a quick… It will explain it better then I can.
AimoniX's avatar
Thanks a lot. :)
BryonSmothers's avatar
What is clipping? 
AimoniX's avatar
Let me show this in picture:
Layer1 is clipped to Base layer and if I draw on Layer1 I can't get outside red field that is on Base layer. 
I need to make the same effect in PS.
BryonSmothers's avatar
This can be done with mask layer in Photoshop.