What is the best PRINTER for ENCODERS?

staypee's avatar
Hello! I've recently landed a job as a home-based encoder for documents and some accounting papers. And it hasn't been a month yet but I've already bought 4 ink cartridges and refilled one of them! I'm being paid depending on how many batch of work I've finished. But as it is, the total money I got does not even scratch the surface of the ink cost the past weeks. If it stays like this... I'll be broke before I even earn for a living!

I'm using an HP  K209a printer, my inks are HP 703.
I'm using mostly black inks.

The other day, I got my ink cartridge refilled. But the quality is crap. It lags and it looks faded, unlike the original HP inks.

Suggestions, please? Should I upgrade my printer? If any one here has experience working on printings or if you have any info on the matter, I'd love to hear them!
I'm struggling with finances. So maybe something that could print good quality documents in large numbers but still affordable?

Thank you! :love:
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pyrohmstr's avatar
If you're only printing black and white then you should be using a laser printer. Even a cheap one will cost ~25% an inkjet per page and those savings can add up quickly.

Also, see if you can get away with lowering the quality of your prints. That can save a lot of money.
staypee's avatar
Lowering the quality?
How can I do that?
pyrohmstr's avatar
When you press print there should be a "preferences" or "options" button. Click that and look through the settings for your printer. There will be a quality and you can set it to the lowest for text. You might have to do something specific to set it as the default - the manual for your printer will have instructions on how to do that if it's not obvious from the settings window.