Yiynova DP10 or iPad mini/Android tablet?

WinterIsComin's avatar
I've been looking at getting either a yiynova DP10 lcd tablet that I'll just plug in to my computer and use with PS, or an iPad mini/comparably priced android tablet along with a decent stylus and some good apps.

Basically wondering what's the better option. For example, do the art apps on the tablets really stack up compared to PS or Sai? Are the styluses any good, and which is the best one? Can anyone with a DP10 vouch for it?

Thanks for any help you guys can give me.
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WinterIsComin's avatar
If you read the description/reviews on amazon it's pretty clear that it's an lcd graphics tablet.

Pyrohmstr, thanks for the input
pyrohmstr's avatar
No, the styluses that are out so far haven't been very good for any of them. The Yiynova stuff is just cheap. The iPad mini and friends aren't really intended for drawing. You can use a Galaxy Note II or w/e and it works more or less, but it doesn't run like proper photoshop and a tablet by any means.
Pakaku's avatar
That Yiynova looks like a stand-alone tablet like an iPad, not a monitor. I'd also question the performance :B