Need Help With Making/Editing a Small Application

YukiMizuno's avatar
Hey there, I have been having a bit of a problem with something.

You see, there is this game series out there called Persona which has this mechanic for fusing Personas (or Demons, in SMT standards) together to make more powerful Personas. And I've been aiming to get all of them to get a 100% at Persona 4 Golden. But it is very hard to do without any sort of guide or knowledge of what you're doing. [Don't worry, this statement will lead into my problem/question...]

While I was looking up on Google for some kind of solution to this problem, I came across this application that does what I've been trying to find this whole time; it's called "Igor's Index", and it's pretty much the best thing I've found in calculating what I need to do to get certain Personas within Persona 3, Persona 3: FES, Persona 3 Portable, and the original Persona 4... Here's the link to it:…

But then another problem comes up; this application does not have any information on the game I'm currently playing; Persona 4 Golden. It hasn't been updated since 2011. Sure, I know I can use the Persona 4 part for some of the information I need, but since they added more Social Links to the game, that means there are two extra Arcanas, which in turn means new Personas to fuse and get.

Anyway, here's what I want to know. How can I edit this application and add some data to it for Persona 4 Golden? I assume I need to learn how to use JavaScript, XML and stuff like that. Thank you so much if you guys can help me out!
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pyrohmstr's avatar
Without source code it's not going to be within your abilities to edit it.

The thing is written in Java... so if you're going to learn anything learn that. You could try contacting the author to see if they'll give you the Java source code.
YukiMizuno's avatar
Ah, I see. Thanks for the information. :)