Why does internet explorer use memory even though I don't use it?

ExoticJackal's avatar
EVERY time I run CCleaner, IE has a GIANT chunk of memory it's used up, even though FF is set as my default browser, and so, everything opens in FF.
:confused: I tried google, but it didn't seem to know why this was either.
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MazerRackham's avatar
I actually removed the Internet Explorer exe from my filesystem without incident. You can't have windows running when you do it. I have two operating systems on my computer, so I booted into linux, mounted my windows partition, and removed the executable. I have not had any problems.
delusionalHamster's avatar
It's because internet exploder sucks donkey dick.
etoilesminuit's avatar
Well, it's not only IE. It's every web browser. That's just what they do. After a while of leaving your browser open, it's starts to use more memory. Just close it and open it again and it should be fine. But it is relatively normal though.
delusionalHamster's avatar
I think he's talking about it using memory even when it isn't "open". No, other browsers don't do that.
etoilesminuit's avatar
Oh well when they're open, yea, pretty much all of them do. Just look at the task manager when you have a browser open. But I suppose when it's closed, idk what the problem could be.
delusionalHamster's avatar
Browsers use memory when you have lots of webpages open. The memory size shouldn't increase for no reason.

Some versions of firefox have memory leaks, this has notoriously been a problem with some versions of firefox... most of those seem to be fixed in the latest version though.
etoilesminuit's avatar
Eh I can have only one or two tabs open and the memory be high, but I do see how more windows/tabs open would increase memory (I have a friend who insists on having 100+ tabs open so he can keep the music he's too lazy to download open. Crazy!)
PR-Imagery's avatar
What do you mean by memory?
Lytrigian's avatar
Um. No. What ~NarcisistWaffle said, anyway. Firefox has its own cache and temp storage; it doesn't use IE's directory structure. Nor is IE the "general thing you need for your internet". That would be something called a TCP/IP stack, which on Windows is defined as part of the "Winsock API". While it's true that IE must call Winsock, Winsock is not part of IE. Any networking you do whatsoever, even on your LAN, must use Winsock.

I assume that what you mean by "memory" is really disk space. If so, then chances are, it comes from running Windows Update, which uses IE whether you want it to or not. Other Windows software that needs to render HTML might also use IE's libraries behind the scenes, and that could account for some of it too.
ExoticJackal's avatar
oh. Well, that's probably it then ^-^ Thanks for the info!
NarcisistWaffle's avatar
Because IE is the general thing that you need for your internet and that's how it routes all the storage that you use to access the internet and shit.
ExoticJackal's avatar
Oh. :< So I can't fix it? Darn.
NarcisistWaffle's avatar
You can't fix it without some pretty bad consequences, no.
ExoticJackal's avatar
God dammit IE, this is why no one likes you :stare:
ExoticJackal's avatar
NarcisistWaffle's avatar
Then why do a lot of programs use it and your computer stores internet memory with it? ;P
ExoticJackal's avatar
Because. It's evil. And tries to take over your computer. :stare:
NarcisistWaffle's avatar
Doesn't bother me.
DavidScript's avatar
NarcisistWaffle's avatar
If you uninstall IE, it fucks up a lot of programs that need to access the internet as a whole.
DavidScript's avatar
I learned something new today :O
NarcisistWaffle's avatar
That's what happened to me when I tried getting rid of IE; it says that, not word-for-word, that it'd render some of my programs unusable if IE was removed.