Show me what took you the longest!~

TaiusQuinn's avatar
The title says it all. Show me what took you the most time to draw, write, etc. owo

Mine is:

(Or link) [link]

About 13-15 hours, because I was trying out some very different ways of doing backgrounds and shading. And it was a background which I had never really done in full detail before. (An indoor theme.)
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Ametystical's avatar
I think it's this one

It's my first digital painting and it took more than 24 hours :|

I've spent so much time in it because I have no experience and had some problems with the shading and to pick the right colors... Damn, I have always such a hard time to chose colors :smoking:
diddleh's avatar
I've absolutely no idea how long it took but I'm pretty sure it took longer than anything else I've done :)
Ametystical's avatar
Wow! I thought it was a photo :o
diddleh's avatar
Ah thank you! :D
PonderHope's avatar
<--- 12 hours
<--- 11 hours
<--- 10 and a half hours
Adder-SnakeBite's avatar
I think it took me about the same amount of time for these. About 3 days.
Jiiri's avatar
The first one took about 13 hours, the second about 10 :faint:
arbortechuser's avatar
This hand carved/cut piece took approx 70hrs of work to create.

KatherineReedKS's avatar
I had to fire it a few times to get the effect I wanted.
Sarahorsomeone's avatar
This, because I had to make all those tiny clusters by hand.

TheBathwaterHero's avatar
I worked on this cartoon for months... It''s not great.
Cirprius's avatar
To be honest, I don't time how long my drawings take. I never really saw the point of it, unless there was a deadline . . . that being said I think this one took the longest? I just know it felt like awhile, but it was fun to make!

SpaceCastaway's avatar
this one I guess... but I have many others that took me very long, I can't tell which particularly was the longest one, because I'm an endless finisher and perfectionist T_T
TheRierie's avatar
3 days, working my full time job as well.
plangkye's avatar

This sucker was rendering for a solid week.
Kaos-Nest's avatar

Mmh I don't know how much time I spent... I did it in a month more or less.
Aquaria-Moon's avatar
Let's say I need to start keeping track of time pffff but I thiiink this one for traditional:

Aaand this one for digital, though that's because of the many pictures XD
Porto881's avatar

My latest. Most of my pieces take around the same amount of time... but this one used the most amount of programs (3), so there's that.
Aksika's avatar

Prolly that o3o
tho it's debatable, especially if you count having to redraw a comic page as it taking longer.
theforestishaunted's avatar
- took a long time to draw the background.
deadsiilence's avatar

Ms paint... so fun but SO time consuming ;w;