Pokemon RP Group Concept!

OneBitterBunny's avatar
Hello person/people who decided to listen to me!

As the topic suggests I have an idea for a Pokemon based RP group!

Basically the concept is that there is new region that seems simple at first but then the members would discover that there is a thriving criminal underbelly. There would be the normal law abiding civilians, the police, three main gangs, the mafia/main crime family and the smaller street gangs that members can make themselves. 

It would be a mature group (but no really really bad stuff) and events would consist of things like committing petty crimes to full on heists and maybe even assassination of npc characters etc.

If you would like to make this a thing please show your support on this thread and if you have any advice or questions don't hesitate to ask. :3 
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exspeedrathewolf's avatar
OneBitterBunny's avatar
Well first there needs to be interest shown somewhere ^^;