Looking for Groups

Syn99's avatar
Yeah, I'm on the hunt for some groups to join. I don't care how large or small, just want something active but not like choking, ya know?

So yeah I'm into a whole bunch of stuff but here is the lot of it:
-Supernatural (the show)
-The Legend of Korra
-Anthro/furry art but not NSFW 
-Idk, wolves/ canines/ I really just like animal art/ artisits

Yeah so uh, thanks? I guess
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DoujinEevee168's avatar
If you are into canid/feline-based Pokemon RP group, try :icontanuki-legacy:, a Neo Contra-themed Eevee RP group set in distant future, 46th-century Pokemon World.
notchthegreat's avatar
I just made a Sci-fi horror setting if you're interested.  I don't have any members, but I have the setting written down.  The group is rather unpolished and I'm currently working on putting it together, but you can check out the setting to see if you like it.

Wolf-Chalk's avatar
If you're into wolf rps that involve art and writing, I could direct you to mine here: :icontales-of-azi: if not, least you can see the art lol
Syn99's avatar
This actually sound great, :) . I've never actually role played before but I've been kinda interested in it for a while... So yeah, don't know if I just join or....?
Wolf-Chalk's avatar
You just make a character by filling out one of the apps :D once that is done, you send that in while asking to join members :D then one of my co owners or me will accept you if everything checks out :nod:
Syn99's avatar
I just submitted the request :3
Syn99's avatar
Cool, Imma start working on that :)
Digsie's avatar
I don't know if you're into Pokemon all that much, but if so, :iconpokejinkafamily:PokejinkaFamily would love to have you!
trevoor's avatar
I know a website dedicated just to Honestuck Roleplay if that helps!