About group member application notices...

faeorain's avatar
I was wondering if perhaps someone might know the answer to this....if I write a comment in response to someone trying to join a group, without clicking yes or no first, can they still see the comment? Will it go to their inbox if I didn't yet approve or reject? I've noticed over the years that whenever I send a comment before I check one of the boxes, I don't get a response and I thought maybe they can't see it unless I make a decision first.
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3wyl's avatar
What SolidMars said is correct. If you post in the box furthest to the left, they will receive the message no matter what.

If you need help with deviantART, please refer to this thread and not make a thread in the forums as this can lead to incorrect information being spread. :)

FAQ #801: Are there any rules for the Forums?

SavageFrog's avatar
If it's in the public comment set, it'll appear but if it's in the admin's comment section, it won't (like SolidMars mentioned)
Mythiril's avatar
there are two sections for comments in group correspondence, one is private which is the little side on the right and that only goes only to the group moderators inbox  and the other one is public which is the one on the left, that goes to the deviant inbox. clicking yes or no or not clicking at all don't affect your comment, it'll arrive either way. just pay attention to where you post it :P 
faeorain's avatar
Okay. In my recent case, I posted it in the box that pops up stating a person is trying to join the group. I didn't think they understood what the group was about based on their original comment, so I told them to look over the group info and let me know if they still want to join.
Mythiril's avatar
Some people simply don't bother to respond honestly.  I have 3 groups, and we always get some spam or wrong submissions and the deviants gets a warning, but some of them doesn't even bother to read the warning and does the same thing again. So it could just be a case of that :)