Group improvements

miha9000's avatar

All groups have the same problem when someone uploads to a wrong folder and you have 2 annoying solutions which take too much time :

1) discard the image and write to the member a message to put it in another folder...
2) accept it, go to the wrong folder and move it to the right folder by yourself.
Both solutions are a waste of time, specially for large groups who have a lot of submissions
So why don't we have an MOVE TO button near the yes,no button, it would be the perfect solution to this annoying problem !

here is the concept image :…

the second improvement is about a more organized group :
here is the concept image :…

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namenotrequired's avatar
Hiya! Thank you for the suggestion! :) I see you've also posted this thread to the correct forum now, so I'll close this one for you as a duplicate and to redirect people to the right place (also because this is a suggestion for the staff rather than promoting any particular group / chatroom / event to your fellow deviants, see the Rules of this forum). :lock:

Thanks for understanding and again thanks for helping us improve deviantART, we appreciate it a lot!:hug: