Looking for a group to learn with

Miziziziz's avatar
I've been drawing for a while, and I'm pretty good at traditional art, but I'm really new to digital art. So, I'm looking for some other new-ish artists to learn with; like provide critique and tips for eachother, etc.
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LadySeshiiria's avatar
:iconnetwork-with-us: Social Networking Group I barely set up and so far have only one member I hope to grow it and potentially help lesser know deviants receive traffic to their pages, hopefully boosting the critiques on their art, help them sell their prints on DA, or just help them receive more traffic. I also hope to achieve with the group a unity by social networking and getting to know other artists, hopefully do contests in the future, and share ways to explore artistic growth.
Howlingwolf246's avatar
hmmm well you can check out and see if my group is what you're looking for [link]. Maybe you'll get some critiques from it or maybe not but yeah :)