Commisions: Anime, Street Fighter, Tactics Ogre style.

Gourmandhast's avatar
Email me to get a quote:

Maelstrom Saga - The Summoner by Gourmandhast  Ashok - Maelstrom Saga by Gourmandhast
Mai Render - Maelstrom Saga by Gourmandhast Celeste Render - Maelstrom Saga by Gourmandhast

Found him! by Gourmandhast  
Maelstrom Saga Poster by Gourmandhast
Vanguards Maelstrom Saga by Gourmandhast
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Mrs-Durden's avatar
Hello Gourmandhast 

I’m afraid that I am leaving this reply to inform you that your thread will be closed today. While we greatly appreciate your use of our forums, I’m afraid that this particular thread doesn’t meet our posting guidelines so we’re going to bring the discussion to a halt.

We’ve made a few posts such as our helpful guidelines for this forum which you might find useful for your future forum postings. Thank you for your understanding.
Gourmandhast's avatar
HyperAnimator's avatar
What are your rates? We are a small indiegame studio looking for a art style like this.

Reach me at
Gourmandhast's avatar
Sent, you can reply to my email and we will continue the conversation there
Gourmandhast's avatar
Will sell body for food
Gourmandhast's avatar
I have 20 hours to spare for next week. Email me with your inquiry if you like my art.
Gourmandhast's avatar
Email me for quote if you want a comission