Discounted Chibis for Points

ABShii's avatar
I'm trying to get enough to make :iconharvestmon: a super group, so I'm offering chibis for 600:points: each! 

Seren Chibi by Shintai-AB
That's the most recent example, and I'll happily add more as I make more! 
I'm also accepting donations on my front page if anyone feels generous. That's also where I would prefer payment! Please pay up front. These don't take me very long depending on whether or not I'm at home, school or work. The average time if I don't have interruptions is around 3-4 hours, so you shouldn't have too long of a wait! 

Please send a note before sending payment! I may ask for a little extra in points depending on complexity of the character design! That said, that would be pretty rare and mostly for really complex armor and things like that. 
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