Cheap Money commissions! OPEN

polaskia's avatar
Extra characters are 2.00!!
I will draw any type of animal,anthro,human.
I will not draw characters that are from videos games/movies/paired up with your character , nsfw , guro , gore. Please note me or comment here if you want a paypal commission! Paypal only! No points bc idk how to work the point commission widget thing
icons - 1.00
couple icons - 1.60 
ex;  Sleeps by foxstars PC: catinfinity by foxstars pc: happiemeal by foxstarsPc Loserdoge by foxstars 

Flat colours - 3.00  (bg are free just tell me if u want one)
Pretty In Pink by foxstarsPC: selfish-machines by foxstars
animated pixels -  1.50 $
chihirororrororo i want chihiro to have bubble umg by foxstars (click) Bobs Head by foxstars
full color shaded pics 5.50(NO BG) -   
I'm in misery where you can seem as old as your by foxstars01 by foxstarsAmphy by foxstarsAT: Swineking by foxstars
Chibis  2.50 dollars
Pc Coldstars by foxstars 

Custom designs 2.00 because im not good
fill this out
color palette :
just fill out atleast 3
Adoptable xclosed by foxstars
pixel art ( i love pixels) pixel art ( i love pixels) 4.00 - 6.00 dollars depending on if u want a background 
MASTERMlND rq by foxstars Click Browse by foxstars
Rad by foxstars 
 shaded looks better i have no examples though 

full shaded background pics full shaded background pics 7.00-10.00 depends on how simple or hard  points depends on how simple or hard 
Space And Time by foxstars 
There are moments when I'm overcomed by foxstars im not creative by foxstars
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