Looking for a manga partner artist in my manga, 30-50 pages, about $10-$20 a page.with partnership

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SaEun's avatar
that's inappropriately low pay for what you're asking for. here's some info on why  average pay rates for comic book artists:"Generally, the good graphic novels fetch $100 - $300 per page, although professionals who have been in the industry for a long time can command as much as three times that amount. In fact, one elite illustrator commanded as much as $1,000 a page (on a 22-page comic book)! Most of the popular titles that artists, like David Cassaday, work on are monthly issues, which end up providing him with a six-figure salary. The back-end royalties on merchandise, trade paperbacks and movie royalties are also generous."
"In 2008, Sean Jordan, founder of Army Ant Publishing, claimed established freelance comic book artists were paid anywhere from $220 to $4,400 per book project, which breaks down to $10 to $200 per page. Pencil and inker artists can ask for $75 to $200 a page. Colorists often fall in the range of $35 to $125, and writers and letterers make $10 to $50 a page. A lucky few dozen famous artists working for to

PAY RATE OF THE COMIC ARTISTOver the past few weeks, I’ve had a few queries for work as a comic book artist. Some from private individuals and some from professional companies and as always the sticky issue of costs comes up.
I personally like to be very frank and upfront about cost to people. My time is quite limited so I can’t afford to dance around the subject on tip toes hoping to lure them in for a bite. The result so far has been I haven’t heard back. For me, that’s okay cos like they say ‘time is money’ and for me that’s especially true. Plus, I don’t want to put out for less than my time is worth. I may not be a big name (yet), but it doesn’t mean I’m going to sell myself short.
The result of all these queries though has been a closer look into what I should be charging. I don’t want to charge for more than my name is worth (is stress the word ‘name’) and take advantage, but on what planet am I going to charge a measly $25 (£15.44) per
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PeachBum's avatar
I think it would be best to give more details if possible. Tell them a little more about the project and what to expect. I saw that you were also looking for character sheets, so people are curious and a little wary.
Super-Furet's avatar
Maybe you should try via the project forum