Scariest song you've heard?

R4DIO-HAZARD's avatar
Personally I think this black metal song is scary as fuck…
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Jawcravescookie's avatar
same as cod zombies 115Poke: free avvy song but the black metal at 0:01 has giving me the creeps kinda scaryMother of God Icon 
vt2000's avatar
grommy sunday!
Mystery-G's avatar
Any "satanic" song.
FruitFromEden's avatar…

Doesn't matter where. Doesn't matter when. If I hear this shit, my hair stands on end.
sweatshirt by jacob saggytits but in g major
Lonecl0ud's avatar
Saiko by Aero Chord. But only when it is in the middle of the night cuz I play my music when I sleep.
folcs's avatar

The only song that's ever made me legit throw up haha
Robot-Palace's avatar
That was interesting!
mew2pwner95's avatar
This used to scare me as a kid:…

Tbh this whole album was scary asf in it's own way.
The-Emmeranne's avatar
"Don't go in there" by Midnight Syndicate

Couldn't find it on yt but even thought I absolutely love their music and horror songs in general it creeps me the hell out :(

And this one is pretty scary as well
Bonnzai's avatar
Agitated Screams Of Maggots Unplugged by Dir En Grey.…

I used to have it as a ringtone. Thought it would be fun to have this playing out of nowhere on the bus, but I had a fit every time it started...

Good luck sleeping tonight!
MarioLuigi96's avatar
Man I love that one. Scary as shit, but fantastic. Kyos vox are absolutely monstrous , I dont know how the guys pulls it off!
witchb0y's avatar
probably doesn't qualify as scary but…
reminds me of an exorcism on a robot lmao
feekle's avatar…

Maybe not scary, but definitely send chills up my spine to this day.
mdscarfaceone's avatar
Shadows by the Stranglers, along with the Giygas theme. Makes me cower in fear.……

They all use quite advanced effects, and I like both of them, a lot.
saintartaud's avatar
I always think of the Bartok and Ligeti pieces Kubrick used in "The Shining." I think that was my intro to both composers (tho I'm a bit more familiar w/Bartok). Specifically: http… Both have other pieces that evoke a similarly uneasy feeling. I think it's just a quality in Expressionist composition, which induces IDK a pleasant uneasiness?

Another piece that does it: It's actually holy music, believe it or not, but there's something about the chorus of discordant-seeming voices that is scary to me. I love the piece, tho.

Apart from that: and
skulkey's avatar
i'm not sure which Ligeti pieces he used in The Shining, but the ones he used in 2001 are very unnerving.
saintartaud's avatar
The one I linked is the one. Ditto Bartok. I checked Wikipedia to make sure. I am pretty sure he uses both Ligeti and Bartok in other films as well, they seem to have been among his favorites.
UvvieSigma's avatar
Bleh, somebody beat me to mentioning Frankie Teardrop :P

Oh well, I know those too………
and anything from Gnaw Their Tongues - All The Dread Magnificance of Perversity…

EDIT: forgot this…
y87arrow's avatar…

But I could say the whole "The Drift" album of Scott Walker is very scary. Often, when you don't expect it, appears a strange noise or sound and it can be startling.
Listen to it at night in the dark (the full album).

But I always listen them in a different order: Cossacks Are, Jesse, Clara, Cue, Jolson And Jones, Buzzers and then the others.
Robot-Palace's avatar
Scott Walker is a good mention for this thread. A sort of rawer and more acoustic/minimalistic version of NIN imo.