Where Do You Find Music to Listen to?

Pyroglifix's avatar
I find a lot of music lately on the intro and outro of Leafy's videos. I know a lot of people dislike him, but regardless of your opinion on Leafy himself, the music he attaches to his videos is pretty great. And can anyone recommend artists like San Holo?
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saikyoryuuougi's avatar
For a while, I was learning of new songs I liked from VH1 Classic, but now that it's MTV Classic (which barely shows actual classic shit), that's kind of dropped. I found out about New Order through YouTube playlists, maybe I'll try doing those again.
TheWorldIllustrated's avatar
I download stuff to my laptop so I can listen offline. My playlists (folders) are:

Imagine Dragons
Linsdey Sterling
Movie themes
Person of Interest
Star Wars
UvvieSigma's avatar
RYM, Youtube, music flowcharts
AvSkyggene's avatar
Used to be Last.FM but ever since they were bought out, they've become next to fucking useless.

Today I have to go looking through Spotify, YouTube, and music site newsletters.
mphtmnslt's avatar
yeah man, last.fm just isn't the same anymore.  really sucks.  I've found some great music recs on various subreddits over the years.
AvSkyggene's avatar
It's a wonder they're even still online. What's the point? You can't listen to recommendations anymore, the entire reason for its existence.
folcs's avatar
Still works for finding music, thank fuck it didn't get Myspace'd
gnhtd's avatar
Games, radio (when driving), Housetime.fm and YT
SILIC0's avatar
last.fm recommendations, and YouTube.
HimitsuUK's avatar
Last.fm is awesome.
mphtmnslt's avatar
torrents and shit
skulkey's avatar
anywhere and everywhere.
Randomstuff-Stuff's avatar
Trap nation? San Holo puts lorlts of his stuff there.
Pyroglifix's avatar
I LOVE Trap Nation!
Randomstuff-Stuff's avatar
San Holo upload a lot there
Randomstuff-Stuff's avatar
You should also try Me.Suicidesheep. he uploads a lot of genres, but he it's usually ambient edm
Pyroglifix's avatar
I've heard of him! :highfive:
DylanSeto's avatar
These days, mostly album reviews and recommendations from artists I already like.
RebirthLikeAPhoenix's avatar
Upright Music

music-licensing for people in the entertainment/media-field

yes i know, it's all serious with me xD