Oops! Live TV

Jphyper's avatar
Let's share some stories of surprises you saw happening on live TV. These aren't breaking news stories. These are things that disrupt an already-airing broadcast on-site.

One evening, when I was a child, my mother was watching the evening news. Suddenly, the newscasters were informed that a tornado warning had been issued for the area in which the studio was located. Instead of stopping the broadcast, the anchors and crew used it as an opportunity to educate the public by demonstrating what to do in such a situation. As they made their way to the basement, they kept filming, and explained each action they took and the reasons behind those actions, as well as explaining alternatives if such actions are not possible. In the end, everyone was okay, as the tornado ended up missing the city.
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bubbles46853's avatar
The live suicide on FOX News?
Jphyper's avatar
I'm glad I don't watch FOX News, then.
bubbles46853's avatar
It was way back in around 2009. My mom screamed when she saw it happen, and I was confused, since I didn't realize he killed himself.
Jphyper's avatar
Well, that starts this thread out rather grimly, but I was thinking of both good and bad when posting this thread, so it works.