Superhero movies now a cliché?

Rocketeer-Raccoon's avatar
Do you all think superhero movies have become too common and saturated now to the point of now just being cliché? I believe Marvel to be the worst culprit, don't get me wrong I really liked the new Daredevil series on Netflix this year and last year Guardians of the Galaxy was a really fun movie because it felt different than the other Marvel movies but all these other new movies are raising questions to myself. The Avengers movies I feel are the most bloated of them all.

TLDR: There's now way too many superhero movies now and Marvel is milking out too much of it.
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pa5cal's avatar
wouldn't call them a cliche but they absolutely contain cliché elements.

Example: anytime I watch the first Caprain America, I skip the good luck [and good bye] kiss between Agent Carter and Captn Rogers before he embarks that doomsday Red Skull plane. It bends my stomach as far as the cheesy factor. All superhero films have similar standard bleargh scenes!   :p
HystericalMellotron's avatar
They were always cliché to me, but I watch them for the effects anyway :B :dummy:. Like someone else here pointed out before, now that they can pull off those damn effects, they're on a roll.
One point I want to make...I think sometimes they deviate too much from the source. Like, that fucking Spider-man 3 for example...or "Deadpool" in X-men Origins: Wolverine.
I know that, given the time length limitations and all, they can't make movies 100% loyal to the source, but don't trip like that o_o sometimes, even those who don't read comic books at all, can smell if there's something off...
RainyPug's avatar
It's not just Marvel - it's a combination of DC / Warner Bros, Marvel / Disney (hit the breaks guys!), X-Men / Fox, and Spiderman / Sony. Each one has it's own problems, but they all need to hit the breaks. Also going to share a few things here.
Astraeus1988's avatar
I dont mind all the superhero movies and they will change. Marvel's phase 3 movies will not be origin stories. Only in small flashbacks
The only fear I have is this. The superhero movie is booming and marvel is on a roll. Now DC enters the game with big budget movies as well. My fear is that the summer blockbusters soon will only be superhero movies. I think some people will get sick of them after a while
davidlucas's avatar
To be fair, movie and TV studios can pull off special effects that they couldn't handle before, so it's no wonder they are bringing all these superheroes to life. I don't think much of this DC vs Marvel war that's going on, though. DC does one thing, then Marvel has to top it, then DC comes up with something else. There have been some good movies and shows, but we also risk stinkers, like Agents of Shield and Gotham.
Rocketeer-Raccoon's avatar
I thought Gotham is quite good although it feels like a distorted take of the years before Batman.
davidlucas's avatar
it's way too drawn out for a pre-Batman Gotham story in my opinion. Would have been alright as a mini series following the investigation of the Waynes murder, but 22 episodes about how the Penguin became a night club owner and how Ed Nygma couldn't get off with the GCPD bicycle is a load of tosh.
Rocketeer-Raccoon's avatar
I agree what you mean, many of the characters are not quite like how they are in the normal Batman canon, or not yet anyway. I never really liked the character of Fish Mooney, as a villain she's too...boring.
davidlucas's avatar
I've heard people say Fish is meant to be some kind of homage to Eartha Kit's performance in the old Adam West Batman shows, but she's more like a black Sharon Osbourne. Nothing intimidating or provocative about her she just cocks her head and flashes her fingernails and pulls awkward faces.

The only thing I like about the show is the girl playing Selina Kyle - as a mini Catwoman (or Catgirl), I think she actually is quite good.
Rocketeer-Raccoon's avatar
So you think it's a bad show then. I might as well think the same too.
davidlucas's avatar
Anyway, to get back to my main complaint: I don't mind seeing tons of superhero movies and shows, but they should avoid making these spin-off/prequel superhero shows without superheroes in them. If they must make shows set in the Marvel or DC universe without the big players in them, then they should avoid over-complicating it and stick to small story arcs with fewer episodes.
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LunarSkyes's avatar
I'm still waiting for Justice League
RatchetJak's avatar
Yeah, they kind of are becoming the "Vampire" craze of recent years but as long as they're done good, there's no problem but yes, there is no denying that there are many superhero movies coming out now.
The-Albino-Axolotl's avatar
Needs more Darkhorse.
BRiTT-Entertainment's avatar
They tend to be a little sexist, too.
TheCunningCondor's avatar
They can have all the cliches they want as long as they stay as great as they are today.
LizzyChrome's avatar
They were a cliche when "Batman Begins" came out. :| 
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
Only if they're cheesy.