What is your favourite scene in Matrix?

daemsify's avatar
This 1999 published movie is one of my favourites!

My fav scene is where Morpheus and Neo are in that white space.
        "Your hair is different!"
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theBlackWolff's avatar
Martial arts training scene in the virtual dojo.
Hestia-Edwards's avatar
"...And you helped your landlady take out her garbage."
Maycrofy's avatar
Neo dodging the bullets in swlo-mo anyone??
Mr-Timeshadow's avatar
Interesting question! Hmm...Trinity lying on the floor muttering, "Get up, Trinity! Get UP!" . I understand how paralyzed she feels by the need to focus on that window, but must overcome the instinct and get going.
Second place: the blind guardian in the lobby.
Third: Neo looking up before the final shot of the movie.
LizzyChrome's avatar
So many classic scenes! But I gotta go with the most classic of all; the opening scene of the first movie, with Trinity doing the first freeze-and-spin kick. 
Cenaris's avatar
Probably a bit lame but I do like the scenes between Neo and the Oracle. Otherwise all the action scenes were too good to play favourites.
Berlioz-II's avatar
Keanu Reeves saying "I know kung fu."
MrCarnyfex's avatar
The scene on the Security Checkout.
pyrohmstr's avatar
Helicopter crash