30 Rock finale: I kinda dont want to go to there.

VillarealVal's avatar
SO who's watching the finale tonight? Kinda bummed out that it's going to end. Seems like I just started watching it yesterday. laughing out loud to the Werewolf bar mitzvah song, Quoting Liz and jack, Trying to figure out Kenneth parcel's real age. *Sigh* Oh well. Is it true that there's a ben&jerry 30 rock ice cream flava??
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GoGo-T-W's avatar
Kenneth is at least a couple hundred years old.
VillarealVal's avatar
Yea, that's what I thought too.
WiffleBall's avatar
Ever since they cancelled Arrested Development I've been numb to this sort of pain.
VillarealVal's avatar
Ah that does suck. I've heard Great things about AD but never got to watch it.