The Truth About My Neighbor Totoro!!!!!

GloomyPandaBear's avatar
Totoro, means death. When the little girl in My Neighbor Totoro(don't remember her name :( ) runs away and they find her shoe, she actually drowned. Her sister finds the cat bus and they travel to the spirit world! It's based off of a Japanese Legend!!!! Don't believe me!? Okay!! My friend told me this!!! But ever since she told us(me and my art class buddies) about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and it was true. Since then I don't question her knowledge! Seriously, I was shocked when I found this out! My childhood happiness, DESTROYED!!!!
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RoguishBard's avatar
Skurrrr. Learn to not trust everything you read, and if you're going to make a claim give us solid evidence.

Skurrrrr once more.
CrimzonLogic's avatar
I thought that "totoro" meant troll...that's what they said it meant in the movie.
Tenshi3D's avatar
gamerdude500's avatar
Well, I don't know much about this legend, but I don't think that Hayou Miyazaki would create a lovable children's movie based off of an old legend of someone drowning. Just doesn't make sense to me
RensMeerkat's avatar
"Totoro" means chinchilla
whocaresaboutthis's avatar
totro would be the angle of death. they used the story of the two girls who drowned and ranaway. their mother died. its reall based off of subtle hints of death and old news stories and stuff.
vvinterpaws's avatar
whocaresaboutthis's avatar
i like yours
very colourful
vvinterpaws's avatar
aw thanks. yours is so.. flamable haha
:onfire: <-flame princess except she would be smiling... haha oh well. i tried. yours is still adorable!
Mystery-Kitty's avatar
....... Well that destroys that then :(
vvinterpaws's avatar
i also like your icon
Pandadrake's avatar
Also, the Japanese concept of spirits is different from Western. For one thing, you don't have to be dead to see them or be affected by them.
Pandadrake's avatar
I don't think any Miyazaki films are meant to be abstract, but if you want to assign imaginary meanings to simple kid's movies then go ahead.

Why aren't you raising a fuss about issues in movies that are actually literal in-universe issues? Why aren't you raising questions about the fact that Ponyo literally destroyed 99% of terrestrial life on Earth because she wanted to eat ham?
Mystery-Kitty's avatar
"Why aren't you raising a fuss about the fact that Ponyo literally destroyed 99% of terrestrial life on earth because she wanted to eat ham?"

Your point is amazing :D thanks for making my day!
Black-Allison's avatar
There's also a rumour that it's about the insanity of a girl who was forced to watch her sister get raped by their kidnapper.

Basically a bunch of shit made up by people on the internet.
Agent-Sarah's avatar
Namely drunk or high people that makes up bullshit.
superpika237's avatar
Too many exclamation points.

Also, who caaaaaaaaaaaaaares
Aapis's avatar
What does whatever you're talking about have to do with Willy Wonka?
Berlioz-II's avatar
That rumour is complete rubbish. Really, the so-called "evidence" is ridiculously easy to debunk by just watching the movie. The sandal? It's similar to Mei's, but not hers. Even Satsuki says it is not hers. The sudden disappearance of shadows? Umm, I certainly saw the girls making shadows even after they supposedly became ghosts. Maybe people should be a little more observant. And at the end of the movie, we see both girls returning to their home... unless you want to also claim that the grandma and the boy Kanta are now also dead. And in the end credits we see the mom coming back home and the girls being quite alive. Heck, even Miyazaki has gone on record to say Totoro isn't some sort of a death god. Seriously, this whole story is just seeing things that aren't there and have never been there. Seems your friend has just swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker.