Les Miserables

Satanic-Kurloz's avatar
What did you think of Les Miserables the movie?

I saw it opening day, it was PACKED.
It was about 3 hours long.
In my opinion, it was the best movie of 2012.
Really good singing by a lot of the cast to me.
There were tearjerker moments, but I was probably the only one that didn't cry.

Do you like the movie or the broadway performance better, or do you not like it at all? Tell me!
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Contorts214's avatar
I LOVED it. But I only cried at the end.
MidNightMagnificent's avatar
I thought it was good, but since it is the first movie ever that I've gotten my name in the credits for, I probably wasn't too lucid in my declaration of love upon exiting the cinema.

I did like the acting, but gods, the singing. No way, Jose. Especially Cosette. Especially unbelievable was that Marius would walk away from Epotine for such a bland and unmemorable girl.

I mean, Epotine was just such a stronger character than Cosette. All Cosette has got is that she's lucky to have a rich father/caretaker. Epotine, on the other hand, she's just that much less pretty wallpaper than Cosette. Seriously, if the script hadn't drawn special attention to Cosette, I'd never remember her at all. She's so BLAND. And Amanda, you canNOT sing. Goddamn it. Just shut up.
JStar19000's avatar
Well, i still have my mind set for Wreck It Wralph as the best of 2012. But thats just me. :D

But yeah, the acting was AMAZING... i was impressed how the actors were crying! ...and such.

But since it was the first musical i ever heard, it... wasn't pleasant.
I mean, a short song with everyone singing like in those Disney movies is fun and all, but if it's gonna be about 3 hours long, it's... TORTURE. Well, to me.

But the movie hit me.
I still can't see Wolverine in the X-men movies the same anymore...

CAN'T. UNSEE. :nuu:
ElleRochelle's avatar
OhMyZordon!!! I loved that movie!!! And I've had experience with the show. The movie in no way measures up to the stage show but I thought it was fantastic! I've performed parts of it, seen it on Broadway (And met Lea Salonga! :D), and seen both concerts on DVD. It is my favorite show of all time! The only major complaint I have about the movie is that they even considered Taylor Swift for the role of Eponine. There is no way that she could have even measured up to the level of Samantha Barks.
I sat there the entire movie, clenching a tissue for dear life, sobbing my brains out while I mouthed the lyrics. lol Definitely the best movie I've seen all year! I can't wait til it comes out on DVD!!! :D
IrmaZwart's avatar
In my country the premiere of Les Miserables is the 10th of January... so I couldn't see it yet.
But I HAVE TOO see it. When it is in cinema's, I will go there immediatly. I'm sure it's going to be one of the best movies, I've seen the trailer 1000 times ;P And I love Russel Crowe, and Helena Bonham Carter :love:
awesomeizzy's avatar
I really want to see this film!
e-c-h's avatar
ooh btw, everyone. Take advantage of it while it's still there, and check out the 25th anniversary concert (basically semi acted in costumes, but not full on play, more focused on the singing). Not all of them are my fave singers, but the best Jean Valjean for sure. You'll be amazed at the music quality compared to the movie ;D

e-c-h's avatar
ogod, unfortunately I really hated it. I was REALLY looking forward to it..but sadly it does not compare to hearing or seeing it on stage. The singing and the presentation of the music was really poor for many reasons, which in turn made the lovely visuals tarnished for me. EVerything sounded so garbled with the darn background ambiences and they changed half the lyrics X_X

this, ladies and gentlemen.. is how it's done. AMAZING orchestra, powerful voices, crystal clear words, and sheer soul:

It confuses me why they did this gimmick of recording everything live on set for a movie, especially with people who haven't been prepped as regularly for the job of acting, moving, and singing all at once. People were drowned out, breathy...just wtf? why didn't they record it in studios so that there was a wonderful sound balance..

Now I know Jackman was on broadway, and was amazing in Oklahoma, but it struck me that Jean Valjean was out of his range or he just sounded weak.

Alfie Boe would have BEEN PERFECT. He is the best Jean Valjean I've ever heard.

Crowe was godawful as Javert, not gonna lie..and Crowe has talent and can sing.. HE JUST WAS WRONGLY CAST.

compare Crowe's singing:

to the brilliance of Philip Quast

Samantha Barke was probably one of the few people who clearly had the oomph for it. I tear up occasionally listening to the broadway versions but felt numb during the film :( All I can say is..this is my favorite modern opera, and if you want to hear some of the best..watch the 10th or 25th anniversary concerts, or go see the actual play!!!

sorry for the rant.. I guess for some people it's enjoyable, esp if they've never heard or seen it, but it's hard to not say anything when I ADORE this music and I feel it's been mistreated :cries:..
Mystyne's avatar
Oh geez, Im so surprised I didn't cry in that movie. It was so good, a real tear jerker. I wouldnt hesitate to see it again.
Sukesha-Ray's avatar
I basicallly jazzed myself when i saw it.... I even drew a picture in honor of the movie.
TheGirlOfManyFandoms's avatar
I saw it, and I will honestly say that I loved it. I thought they chose the right actors and actresses and had the music just right, all I have to say is job well done! I <3 Les Miserables! *starts humming, "Do You Hear The People Sing"*.
JStar19000's avatar
Don't forget "Dream a Dream"...

So sweet... it gave me cavities...
kath-paints's avatar
Just saw it and I thought it was really good.

Russel Crow and Hugh Jackman did not live up to previous performances I have seen of their roles but then again those people were acting for stage and so perhaps drawing a comparison is unfair (and Javert I think is not an easy role).

Crowe's voice was fine in my opinion but he did not act with it much. He also stoff very stiff and mannequin like which was really my only significant criticism.

Anne Hathaway was fantastic and most of the others were very good.

I think the tendency towards close ups for the singing and dialogue was to do with the voices being recorded on-set. Presumably in order to get the proper quality the microphones would have had to be very close and perhaps this restricted how flexible one could be with the shots.

Well, I was impressed overall.
A--Anthony's avatar
I saw the director interview on Charlie Rose (no, I don't normally watch that, was channel surfing before the movie came out and NEEDED to know what was up with the movie), and he said they had at least 3 different angles on each shot, one wide angle, one midrange, and one close-up, and it was a post-production decision to go with those close-up shots. I still don't believe that was the best decision.

On a side-note, I just (FINALLY) saw Lincoln today, and in a sense, I feel that was shot in a similar fashion to Les Miserables (a lot of personal close-up shots, a few epic shots scattered here and there), but the difference in cinematography was night and day to me. I feel like the shots in Lincoln were immaculately framed and edited together, with enough movement and interaction within frame to keep each shot interesting. I feel like if Les Miserables had been shot in a similar fashion I would be gushing about the movie right now.
kath-paints's avatar
dhik-a's avatar
I liked it. But I personally love the 1998 version more. Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean, what more do you expect? :D
lollipopsocks's avatar
Loved the songs, story, characterisation. This is the only version (book, film, or stage show) of Les Mis that I've ever encountered, so I don't have anything to compare it to, though.

I agree Russell Crowe was not the best singer and a bit flat. Both Amanda Seyfried and her character's love interest had lovely singing voices.
e-c-h's avatar
see the play :D it's LOADS better.

lollipopsocks's avatar
After seeing the film I wanted to go see the play and sing along :o I haven't been to any musicals apart from Phantom of the Opera as a kid.
WatchHerFly's avatar
I LOVED IT. I was probably the only one that didn't cry either.
I've never seen the Broadway production, just this film.
So yeah. aha
e-c-h's avatar
see teh broadway!
sojupon's avatar
i loved sacha and helena together~ and felt really bad for russel crow T.T

i loved the book and this movie wasn't half bad

r.i.p. eponine