Do you find Family Guy offensive?

everfae's avatar
I personally like Family Guy, and I know it pokes fun at all kinds of people so it makes me feel kind of bad.
I don't think it's terribly racist, certainly controversial.
What do you think?
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GrendalUnleashed's avatar
I don't find it offensive, but then I like Bill Hick's, Frankie Boyle, Billy Connolly All of whom have been described as offensive at one time or another.

Stewie/Brian driven stories are always entertaining to watch, but the other characters are are so one dimensional that it has been very evident in the current series that the writers are struggling to find even adequate plotlines for them to explore and as a result are just resorting to gross abuse to fill the shows.
Krunip's avatar
It tries to be edgy and is pretty much a snooze fest
ChibiLovett's avatar
Meh. Seth McFarlene has been purposely pushing his boundaries since the show started. That's its selling point, sort of like with South Park. It's very wrong and highly offensive, which is why people love it. As long as some people keep reacting to it, it'll keep being offensive and other people will keep watching it.

I, personally, don't get offended by any of it. It's not really serious. It's too stupid to be offended by. As I said, Seth McFarlene just likes to toe the line and see how far he can take things. I do enjoy most of the show, but recently I think he's just been trying too hard to piss people off and it just isn't funny anymore. Just annoying.
MrMatsui's avatar
No, i find it rather boring
Cherrywind101's avatar
I dont know much about it but i wouldent watch it. DX
yoursingingsatellite's avatar
Not offensive to me personally, no. But I can see how it offends other people. Seth Green hahahah! But that's what makes it one of the best shows there is. It's not afraid to make people feel outraged. Making people feel something is what gives all stories impact
MSCC93's avatar
It wasn't that offensive in the first seasons, but now I want to shoot the TV every time it comes's the CHARACTERS and jokes that offend me sometimes.
Detective-May's avatar
I don't think it's offensive but I don't particularly enjoy it either, though I used to when I was a teenager.
ADigitalArtist's avatar
It's not offensive to me but I don't think their satire is as intelligent as some others like South Park and even the Simpsons at times.
habla-babla's avatar
Nah I dont find it offensive because its so blatant. I used to find it funny but its kindof lost its edge over the years. Maybe Im just desensitized. Or matured.. thats debatable :P
Axl--Rose's avatar
Well, offensively unfunny maybe. Although it used to be pretty good.

In any case, it's a million times better than the shitty British remake though.
everfae's avatar
There's a British remake? Whaaat? D:
Axl--Rose's avatar
Well it wasn't actually a remake, but it followed the tried-and-tested MacFarlane dysfunctional-family-with-non-human-character-and-shoehorned-in-pop-culture-references format so heavily that it might as well have been a British version of one of his shows. Except without anything that could be mistaken for humour or even vaguely intelligent satire.


Got cancelled after 5 episodes, thankfully. You can possibly find clips on youtube (or watch the whole bloody thing on 4od if you live in the UK. Don't though. It's depressingly shit.)
everfae's avatar
I'll check it out - I'm always one to prefer British humour to American, especially if it's on Channel 4, but this one sounds like it's gonna be terrible..
Thanks for informing me :)
FlareAeon's avatar
I look at Family Guy as satire, anything offensive it's doing is purely for humor and poking fun at social stereotypes and trends, and some of it us actually true despite what people say. Overall it's not meant to be taken seriously unless you find a coincidence or something.
aspacecowboy's avatar my intelligence.
Why-did-Kenji-die's avatar
It's the stupidest show
ParadigmFallen's avatar
Birds fly
The sun rose
Ubisoft were dickish to PC gamers
and Family Guy made controversy for the sake of controversy

...that sum up my opinion nicely enough? 90% less ranting!
11AM-Daydreamer's avatar
There was a time when it wasn't offensive, but still hilarious. Now it's pure crap.
Rincewind1's avatar
I dont find it offensive, a lot of the time they're not making fun of black/ gay people etc but they're making fun of the stereotype, also it's a cartoon, it's not meant to be taken to seriously
saintartaud's avatar
The only thing I find really offensive about that show is that it's bland and generally not all that funny.  The kind of jokes they use are also repetitive and follow a few set patterns.  It actually got to a point where my boyfriend and I made a game out of counting pop culture references while watching it.
WalkerSoup's avatar
Nah. I don't find it offensive at all. Sometimes I feel like they almost crossed that line, though.
TortelliniPen's avatar
My only problem with it is that it's become incredibly bland and that everyone's just become a caricature of themselves.
jan-emir's avatar
You hit the nail on the head, man. So many running jokes filling up the 22 minute slot, the way the Griffin family turned from a dysfunctional family into a bad joke like how Stewie used to be an evil genius, but now he's the butt of gay/transexual jokes. It's not offensive it's just empty. It's been on air for too long.