No longer enjoying videogames

00WAR-THERAPY00's avatar
hey guys,

i used to be a normal gamer: i liked headshoting people in fps's, building stuff in minecraft, racing in burnout, trolling cops in GTA, and so on.

thing is, from a few weeks to now most games simply seem to have stoped interesting me.

i have been studying game design for years, and i sometimes wounder if i have become to analytical when i play or something. the truth is, in a very small amount of time, i went from commonly addicted to most game genres to incredibly bored with any game (even new ones) and the feeling that playing is a waste of time.

now, i only play soft constructive games where i build stuff, and that's only for a few hours a week.

ever happened to anyone?
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makan-basamo's avatar
it happens to me. the solution? try having a full-time job or do a project that really fatigues your mind. add a whiny girlfriend to that list and a bunch of asswipes as co-workers.

you'll fall in love to videogames straight back.
Zigholtul88's avatar
Mate I am in the same boat as you. Ever since finishing the first Dark Souls I've been having trouble staying interesting in videogaming. Nearly everything from retro to modern just bores the living crap out of me. I think it has something to do with me being more of a creative type of person, how I would rather create my own stories, than experience them.
Zetikla's avatar
what you described is a classic situation of like almost gaming spleen(?)
nothing wrong with that though, I also have period myself when Im just scrolling through my very large steam library (700 + games ftw) and its not always easy to find something that I would like to play or what my pc can handle
Then again Im currently drowning into Dragon Age: Origins and Shattered Planet so I cant say Im bored XD this and occasional bejeweled 3 and CS: GO
lancer412's avatar
Right now I feel the same. I've just purchased GTA V, Ring Runner and Halo: Spartan Strike, but I'm not in the mood to play with any of it, regardless I've enjoyed an hour or so of game time with all three. But I don't want to continue any of it. I rather spend my time with something else. I was a game designer in the past and I had a similar time that time when I did not want to see a computer game for months. Then that time has passed.
Pingk-NC's avatar
It's easy to get burnt out with something like gaming, especially if you're thinking about it constantly and complexly. Try picking up a new hobby for a few weeks/months and come back to games later.
The proverbial fresh air might be just what you need.
chillv's avatar
Well for me, I don't find games fun anymore due to outside problems. That can be a factor too.
Jasperine's avatar
it happened to me in pokemon (haha noo..)

i thought i was going to have fun but i ended up stopping somewhere in the middle.

im kind of growing to want games that have a much more deeper storyline to it i guess, i want something that could give me the drive to discover something that i dont know yet and im interested to find out (eg. PERSONA 4 YES)

maybe you might be looking for the same thing as i am ^
Kimopoleis's avatar
How about trying other types of games? Rhythm game, for one. When you get the knack for it, you'll realize it's really fun.
Or games with a story (RPG) and loads of other types far from the ones you usually play.
00WAR-THERAPY00's avatar
tried most of those too, with same result.
operaghost's avatar
Few weeks ? Give it some time. You need a break. And it might be you grew out of this hobby.  Or need lesser dosage  to feel good and rest would be overwhelming and boring.  I have seen shift on my gaming styles as well. I used to be all-in-all in a MMO, played it 10 years, 1st went 'casual', then leaped out few months later. And also my play single players like no-lifer has kind of ended. Instead 2-3 days trough a game - i take my time and can play same games for weeks. 

We change, perhaps even games change. Nothing odd in this.  
Nintendo-Dreamer's avatar
It happens.  Your interests will forever come and go.  It's a part of life.  :dummy:
Jphyper's avatar
My brother has lost interest in games for the most part. He's too good at them-- they no longer present a challenge for him.
00WAR-THERAPY00's avatar
same thing happens with me, to a degree.
shuu-washuu's avatar
I go through phases, it's a pattern. There have been years when I was an avid gamer, and then several where I was meh, and didn't even bother to check what's going on in the industry, focusing on completly different hobbies. If you're feeling drained you can either try finding something in old world of games, moving even as back 90's or 80's, or take a break from the games entirely. Even if you miss several fun titles, they will still be here when you come back [and maybe even at bundle or discounted price].  There is a thing like oversaturation of certain medium.
00WAR-THERAPY00's avatar
i just got my hands in Sonic the Hedgegog 3 (1994 or so). what a piece of art!
shuu-washuu's avatar
oooh 90s platformers. That's something that probably is never coming back, but they were so awesome :heart:
CrimeRoyale's avatar
Play better games. I.E, NOT Minecraft, or GTA, or shitty FPS's.
Glaiceana's avatar
This happens to me from time to time. I call it phases, so there's phases of being obsessed with a game and playing it non stop, and then eventually you go into the next phase where you don't want to play it at all. Or any game at all. It can stem from having too many games, which is a problem I have personally. You don't know what to play, and you have to feel like playing one in the first place, else you can't get into it. 

For me, I've learned that the phases pass, and you'll soon be back into gaming. Could take months, but it will happen. Sometimes just watching someone on youtube play a game or hearing a friend talk about a certain game, will get you back into playing. 
Redfoxbennington's avatar
 Do other stuff and play more platformers.
00WAR-THERAPY00's avatar
yeah, i got back into classic arcade games i didnt play. i am currently looking for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 emulated for pc, that one i never played.
Redfoxbennington's avatar
 It's the best game in the series.
00WAR-THERAPY00's avatar
noticeably and by far. damn, just those first 4 levels are worth every minute i waited for the emulator to download!
Redfoxbennington's avatar
 Great, now. Wait until you play Sonic and Knuckles. A game everyone says is great but I like Sonic 3 more. I love the graphics and music.
M1n1dr10d-Y0D0's avatar
I had that happen to me briefly, all I can say is to take a break, for me it was a week, and you might enjoy video games again.