what do you guys think about let´s play vidyas and twitch streaming?

nipastyle's avatar
i mean it´s pretty sure a thing already in gaming.. just to watch others do stuff instead of doing it yourself. are you a fan or does the trend blow? um, personally i don´t get the idea of people worshipping pewdiepie, markiplier or game grumps :bucktooth:
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IMDSound's avatar
Depends what game! I like watching let's plays of game that I'm interested in, but not interested enough to buy/have the time to play. So a lot of them are long running JRPG's, which work imo, because they are more about the story and it plays out like a movie/show if the player can refrain from talking during the cutscenes
sthelning's avatar
I generally watch/listen to lets plays as I'm working on other things, and the only one I do with regularity is Game Grumps since their show's generally more about conversation.

The other reason I'll watch a lets-play is that I'm either interested in or recapping a game for reference but don't have the time to play it myself. Again, working and busy.
hydris's avatar
I generally don't watch people play games, and the case when I do it's normally a specific clip of exceptionally well-played section (usually without commentary).

I stream for friends though.
The-Albino-Axolotl's avatar
Let's plays are kind of like watching a friend play a videogame that you wanted to buy. Sometimes LPs would give an underrated or new game popular. Also painful to watch if your good at that game (i.e. GG).
nipastyle's avatar
Um, personally if i was watching just for the game i´d be super annoyed by hearing commentary over it no matter how funny the guy would be but as for slight comedy relief its kinda neat randomly.   Kinda pisses me off though that anything new that gets released is immediatly bought by some lets players and they grind the game until nobody gives a fuck anymore and its completely mild thing to play.. such as with dark souls or five nights with freddy´s :meow: