What's the most original weapon you have ever seen in a game?

NephilimOfTheLord's avatar
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IMDSound's avatar
Just play a Ratchet and Clank game, there are plenty. My favorites (I forget the names, so I'll describe them) include the one that turns enemies into chickens, one that sucks enemies up and shoots them as ammo, lava gun, and plenty others. 

Also, the morphgun in Jak 2 was original. I liked the peacemaker attachement, as well as the blue one that shot little glowing homing needles, and I liked the yellow attachment that shot a disk into the air that rained bullets.

In Halo, the needler is easily the most original.

Melee-wise, there are a few in Monster Hunter, like the switchblade and chargeblade.
nipastyle's avatar
doesnt this lead to a bigger problem, games aren´t creative anymore.
PickleParfe's avatar
The Monado from Xenoblade Chronicles.

It's design is pretty original, and how you can use it to give yourself strength in various areas (speed, power, defense, etc.) hasn't really been done with other "Legendary Swords"
DragonQuestWes's avatar
The Profiler from Watch Dogs. Yes, that is a weapon.
TheLongSlumber's avatar
First weapon I thought of was Juliet's chainsaw from Lollipop Chainsaw. It's a magical chainsaw that emits rainbows and sparkles when used and has several other parts that can be hooked up to it, such as a chainsaw popper (which is basically a large cannon that fires the head of your boyfriend at zombies), a chaingun for mowing down zombies from a distance and a chopper engine to race along your path and impale zombies with for as long as the fuel lasts.
vic-viper-001's avatar
In Psi Ops, you could use your mind! You can literally pick up people with your mind and send them flying through the air... usually into heavy machinery, off ledges, or into fire! Speaking of fire, you can also light enemies on fire with your mind.

You could even make enemies heads explode, or use mind control to make them jump off buildings or attack each other... good times!
NephilimOfTheLord's avatar
So telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities? Interesting...
vic-viper-001's avatar
Yup, plus your own twisted creativity!
slayerdude677's avatar
the pokeball ...................... say what you want i see it as a weapon you can catch an giant fire dragon an powerfull sea monster or even an being that controls time itself and than use them in battle war or just to destroy shit 
slayerdude677's avatar
and if it doens't count then i'll go with the portal gun 
Luke-the-F0x's avatar
 The fireball sword from Smash Bros wii U/3DS.
ShiroiKoumori's avatar
 Large Hadron Collider of Scribblenauts.
Basement-Aviator's avatar
Most creative way to destroy the world I've seen.
harperyo's avatar
Portal gun
Gravity gun
The Penetrator
NephilimOfTheLord's avatar
Oh Jesus, not the penetrator!
harperyo's avatar
MissPoe's avatar
A camera. This is in the very short game called "Lumen". You manipulate the environment with photos and I haven't seen a mechanic like this in any other game.
NephilimOfTheLord's avatar
Is it a good game? If so, what platform is it on?
MissPoe's avatar
I haven't played it myself, I've watched a youtuber play it. But it looks beautiful.

The game is for PC from what I understand and it's downloadable for free.
NephilimOfTheLord's avatar
I looked it up, can't seem to find it on Steam.
MissPoe's avatar
Oh it's not on steam. Here: www.lumengame.com
NephilimOfTheLord's avatar
I'll have to wait til I get a better PC. My PC doesn't play internet downloads very well for whatever reason.
Eve-Lang-El-Coup's avatar
What do you mean by your 'PC doesn't play internet downloads very well'?

Also, the website says its available for Steam store.steampowered.com/app/105….
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Clobberstone's avatar
Ashbringer from Warcraft. In terms of design and the story behind it.